(PERU) Peru UBF Prays to Fix Their Eyes on Jesus in 2022

  • by UBF HQ
  • Feb 04, 2022
  • 302 reads

By E*frain Uriostegui 

We thank God that he has allowed us to continue with Bible study and worship meetings through zoom despite the pandemic. During the year 2021, we studied Mark's gospel. J*orge and C*aty joined Bible study faithfully and grew spiritually as a house church and coworkers of the ministry.

M*argarita, C*elia, A*lvaro, J*aquie, F*abio, R*uben, and N*orma also joined our Sunday worship service. C*amille and A*na Cristina joined our Sunday services time to time. On the other hand, C*aty had 1:1 Bible study with R*uth, W*endy, and J*azmin. Also she had a group Bible study with her nieces who are growing in faith. F*abio has 1:1 Bible study too. We continue to pray for J*orge to have good health and get an admitted to University of San Marcos. C*aty is praying to get a stable job. We pray for the health of E*ugenia. We give thanks to God for protecting us from the coronavirus.

Our 2022 key verse is Heb 12:1-2. We pray that God may help us to throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles so that we can patiently run the race with perseverance, fixing our eyes on Jesus, during 2022.