(PORTUGAL) Thanksgiving Topics and Report for 2021

  • by UBF HQ
  • Feb 02, 2022
  • 527 reads

Thank God for Col 3:16 for 2021!

  1. John Gospel Study: M*ateus, P*aul, N*uno, and M*aria wholeheartedly delivered the Sunday messages despite heavy works at companies, which were translated for C*hen (China), F*rank (Nigeria) and O*verson (Zimbabwe). We learned faith to overcome severe corona pandemic through Hebrews 11. We started also a daily Bible reading program at night.

  2. New leaders were raised: Dr. S*ara N*eusa, N*uno S*ilva, and M*aria E*ugenia; E*unhye and J*ihye as Sunday messengers; E*unhye served WMR as presider and participated in Young Leaders in Europe and is taking care of D*ebora, my elder daughter with great patience. J*ihye served SWS with beautiful music and inspiration and served faithfully L*idia with 1:1 BS. Nuno worked hard to establish his new business for his house church. M*aria E*ugenia served R*uth S*ilva and M*aria M*arreiro through 1:1 BS every week. M. P*aul and S*ara served the Faculty of Science while taking care of three kids. All of our coworkers devoted their time, material, and heart to serve God and live by faith in this corrupt generation in spite of misunderstanding of family, friends, and relatives.

  3. 1:1 BS: When most people thought Bible study would be impossible due to lockdown, God blessed us by sending M*aria M*arreiros, R*ute S*ilva, J*oana, F*rank, L*eonor, C*hen, O*verson, G*aurav, A*llan, C*hen.

  4. Bible conference and Forums: God blessed our summer Bible conference in September 10-12 with the title “Jesus’s one word is enough”. M. E*sther L*ee (Washington UBF) supported us with her depth insight on house church ministry. God blessed me to participate in the English Forum “God’s suffering Servants”. God blessed our Christmas Worship Services on Dec. 12 and Dec. 19 which were held hybrid by messages of Dr. S*ara Neusa and M*aria Eugenia. More than 22 people participated. My youngest daughter Lidia who entered this year in Economics major at the University of Lisbon invited her school friend to join the Christmas worship service. It was a great work of faith.

  5. God blessed us through victory at the workplace and business and Korean Course. Dr. S*ara was invited to teach as a visiting professor. M. R*ebeca supported the ministry with her earnest prayer. She also had a fellowship in prayer with other missionaries in Europe every Saturday which gave her spiritual strength. God may raise 12 house churches in Portugal.

My key verse for 2022 is Psalm 1:1,2. We pray to raise 12 house churches; for S. Nuno's house church this year; for a suitable coworker for S. M*aria
By M*atthew S*ingh