(MEXICO) The 2022 Mexico City Online Leaders' Conference was Virtual With Around 80 Leaders

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jan 18, 2022
  • 317 reads

By R*aúl Muñoz

Mexico City had an online leaders' conference from Jan 7-8, 2022 with around 80 leaders. Thank God for giving his guidance for this year through the conference.

L*uis Angel shared on John 15, "Jesus is the Vine, Remain in Him," and we were reminded that we must remain in Jesus to bear fruits. A*lejandro López shared on Isaiah 49: "Sharpened Sword, Polished Arrow."

God gave us a clear direction to grow as servants of the Bible to feed his sheep. This year, we raised eight new leaders. And on the last day, we remembered Jesus' call to be soldiers of Christ.