(AUSTRALIA) Macquarie UBF Held a 2022 New Year's Conference With the Title "Love and Feed"

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jan 13, 2022
  • 810 reads

By M*oses Kang

Macquarie UBF held a 2022 New Year's Conference at the Elanora conference centre from January 1-2 with the title “Love and Feed."

Coworkers were unsure whether an in-person conference could take place as recent Covid cases surged in Sydney. Furthermore, Director M*ark Lee and R*uth Lee had to travel to Korea urgently due to a family event. Australia is known for its quick and effective Covid-19 pandemic management and response. However, the number of activie cases surged recently since the government decided to loosen restrictions. Furthermore, most of our missionaries were working in the healthcare sector. Considering all these factors, we decided to run the conference in hybrid mode, in-person and through zoom.

We started our conference with the next generation team, called "Good Trees," and their presentation on a chapter of a book called “After Salvation” by renowned Korean Pastor Youngsun Park. Through M*ary Lee, E*sther Kang Jr., G*race Jun, and D*avid Kang's presentation, we were reminded that our lives with Christ are like treasures in jars of clay. The first main lecture was based on Isaiah 6. M*oses Kang delivered the message, “Whom Shall I Send?” He emphasized that God never forced Isaiah to serve Him. Instead, Isaiah responded to God’s calling willingly because of God’s forgiving grace. Then, a few members shared their yearly reflections, key verse, and prayer topics. Afterwards, we had a worship and prayer night, praying for those who could not join the conference in-person and for global Covid-19 management and response.

On Sunday, J*ohn Jun Jr. gave the message, “Do You Truly Love Me? Feed My Lambs.” Jesus served Peter at the beach, and Peter's view of his relationship with Jesus was restored and strengthened as he confessed his love towards Jesus. Then, R*ebekah Kang shared her graduation testimony, testifying how God helped her to grow as a shepherd for Jesus’ flock. Another two members shared their yearly reflections after the message. Through this conference, it was made clear that God wants us to serve Him willingly because of His forgiveness and love. Please pray for Macquarie UBF ministry to serve campus mission and disciple-making wholeheartedly.