(ASIA) The Asia Directors' Conference was Held Online From December 30, 2021 to January 1, 2022

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jan 12, 2022
  • 542 reads

By P*aul Kwon

The Asia Directors' Conference was held online between 12/30/2021-1/1/2022. A total of 74 people attended (40-50 attendees were local leaders).

P*aul Kwon delivered a message on Luke 10:30-37 with the title, “Take Care of This Man," and it was a reminder that it is Jesus' will for disciples to take care of the wounded young people of this age. Pastor M*oses Yoon delivered the New Year's message on Luke 6:6-19 and gave clear direction for prayer and discipleship in this dark and sinful generation. In his closing message, M*ark Hui emphasized the importance of holding on to God's word and moving forward in faith (Matthew 14:22-33). D*oyoung Choi (Korea) and J*oshua Hong (USA) also gave special lectures. Mission reports from each country were filled with God's grace. Even in the midst of pandemic, God has been working mightily through His servants and His ministry.

The Asia UBF's prayer topics are: 1. Prayer and discipleship in 2022 according to the New Year’s key verse, 2. Pandemic may end so we can restore face-to-face meetings and campus evangelism, 3. To send missionaries to unexplored countries and tribes in Asia, 4. For the spiritual growth of 2nd generation missionaries and local shepherds, 5. For the recovery and health of sick co-workers in Asia.