(HQ ONLINE SCHOOL) Online Courses Spring 2022 Register by Jan 31

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jan 04, 2022
  • 1222 reads


The UBF HQ Online School Program is designed to support and equip UBF leaders including chapter directors and local UBF ministries. This biblical program is concise and relates to UBF ministry. For spring 2022, we are offering two online courses: BIBLICAL PREACHING and SPIRITUAL WARFARE (See the course descriptions below). All courses will be offered through the online platforms on ubfeducation.neolms.com and zoom. To register, please contact us at ubfonlineschool@gmail.com by Jan 31, 2022.


We all love to hear a heart-moving message from the Bible, don’t we? But to actually prepare and deliver such a message, we face many challenges. Many of us have full-time jobs and family responsibilities which limit our time. English may not be our first language. And young people today seem to be in a totally different culture from us. In this course we first will examine what Biblical preaching is, looking at the examples of our Lord Jesus and the apostles in the Bible, and reflect on why Biblical preaching is such a crucial element of gospel ministry today (2Ti4:2). Then, we’d like to explore how best to write a Biblical sermon, learning about its various components, including careful exposition of Scripture, development of the author’s theme, proper use of illustrations, and finally, discovering how a passage may be speaking to us today. We especially want to learn in our preaching how we can possibly connect the Bible’s teachings with the wide variety of people living in our multicultural world. Finally, in this course we want to study the principles of how to effectively deliver a Bible message to our audience. We will be reading excerpts from several well-known books on Biblical preaching. The course will consist of both lectures and practicums, where participants will share written drafts and practice delivery among peers and mentors.

  • Course Dates: February 7 - May 30 (once every other week; time TBD)
  • Introduction to the course: Monday, February 7, 2022 (time: 6 pm Central Time)



Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come...on earth as it is in heaven.” As we pray the Lord’s prayer and obey his call, we are engaging in spiritual warfare. “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Eph 6:12). As Jesus’ disciples we are to be equipped to fight spiritual battles against Satan, the world, and the flesh. What we have to know is who we are in Christ Jesus. In spiritual warfare, we are not to fight for victory, but to fight from the victory that Jesus has already won. This course Spiritual Warfare will equip us with the truth: Christ won the victory, and we are given his authority and spiritual armor. This course will focus on consolidating the Biblical worldview concerning spiritual warfare and equipping participants to be kingdom-warriors. We will be studying relevant topics such as warfare worldview, Christians and demons, sin and soul ties, occult involvement, lineage, and warfare ministry. The course will consist of video lectures, live presentations, discussions, and prayers.

  • Course Dates: February 7 - May 30, (once every other week; time TBD)
  • Introduction to the course: Monday, February 7, 2022 (time: 7 pm Central Time)


Forthcoming summer courses: Biblical Hermeneutics, Bible Doctrine 1

Please contact us at ubfonlineschool@gmail.com by January 31, 2022 (the coordinators: Pastor Kevin Albright and Dr. Augustine Suh) or click the link: https://www.ubf.org/edudept/oscontact. For further information, see the HQ Online Education section on ubf.org - https://www.ubf.org/edudept/onlineschool


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