(INTRODUCTION TO UBF CHAPTERS-NEW ZEALAND) God Opened a Way for P*aul Kim and J*oseph Oh's Families (Auckland UBF, New Zealand) to get Permanent Residency

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jan 05, 2022
  • 673 reads

*Chapter Director: N*ehemiah & H*annah Lim
*Auckland UBF was founded around 2010

God amazingly opened a way for M. P*aul Kim and M. J*oseph Oh's families to get permanent residency. They went to the mission field in their 50s and have stayed as student visa or temporary work visa holders. Recently, the New Zealand Ministry of Migration announced that the 2021 resident visa would be available to most work-related visa holders and their family members, as long as they were in New Zealand as of September 29, 2021. The two families can apply beginning March 1, 2022. May God bless their application process and use them to serve the New Zealand campus mission preciously.

Auckland UBF Young Leaders

Next Generation Thanks & Prayer Topics:

  • Joan*na Lim - Praying for personal encounter with God; for direction for life
  • J*oy Lim - Praying for God's healing from autism  
  • Joan*na Kim - Praying to live according to God's word; study at university in 2022
  • Jo*seph Kim - Praying to hold firmly on one word; to realize God's love
  • Ja*ckie & Mari*a Oh – Thank God for his love in their hearts; for living a new life in God. Praying for good health in spirit & body; for residency application