(ARGENTINA) La Plata Christmas Worship - We Praised the Lord with a Joyful Drama, Songs, and Hymns!

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jan 05, 2022
  • 394 reads


by J*ose ortega

La Plata UBF celebrated the birth of Jesus on December 19, 2021. God allowed us to rent a bigger place than our center, but it was humble as the manger of Jesus. Over 60 people joined in person and others joined online.

M. J*uan Carlos Vivas preached a message titled "The Savior is born" based on Luke 2:1-20.

We learned that we have to be humble to receive the Savior with the forgiveness of our sins. We also praise the Lord with a very joyful drama, songs, and two special hymns. Finally, we had fellowship eating delicious foods.