(B*ULGARIA) On December 12, 2021, B*ulgaria UBF Celebrated the Succession of the Leadership 

  • by UBF HQ
  • Dec 29, 2021
  • 530 reads

On December 12th, B*ulgaria UBF celebrated the succession of the leadership from M. J*ames K. to M. J*ohn J. UBF General Director M*oses Yoon officially appointed him B*ulgarian UBF Coordinator on December 13, 2021. May God bless his leadership of B*ulgaria UBF through the Holy Spirit. 

M. J*ohn J's Key Verse is John 15:7-8 "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." He thanked God that he had given him the grace to serve as his servant the B*ulgarian Ministry, especially in S*ofia chapter 2 for the past 10 years, and for remaining steadfast in God's words despite some difficulties.

Prayer Topics:
1. To raise 12 disciples of Jesus and 12 house churches through 1: 1 Bible study
2. To create a spiritual basis through daily bread, prayer, and Sunday worship Service
3. For all co-workers to grow as Bible teachers and as disciples of Jesus to the glory of God