(GERMANY) God Blessed a Joint Fall Bible Conference 2021

  • by UBF HQ
  • Dec 14, 2021
  • 376 reads

In the beginning of October 2021, God gave four-chapter leaders from Düsseldorf, Frankfurt 1, Darmstadt 1, 2, and the house church of H Christoph the desire, to defy the adverse situation caused by the corona pandemic and to receive new spiritual impulses based on the 1Peter 1-3. God answered their one-minded prayer and intensive preparation and sent 47 participants (25 missionaries and shepherds and 22 students including high school students) to the conference. God provided 4 young main preachers, 2 life symposium sharers and 1 statement sharer, and 9 group Bible study leaders in German and English and blessed the exchange of reflections at the end of the conference.

Main preachers:
J*ohanna-Y from Düsseldorf (1. Peter 1 on the living hope and sacred life as God's chosen one),
Siblings E*lina and H*ana-K from Darmstadt (1. Peter 2, Part 1 about the living stone Jesus and Part 2 about our identity as the royal priesthood)
M*ose-K from Frankfurt (1 Peter 3 on the life in marriage, in the congregation and attitude towards suffering)

Testament sharers:
J*onathan-J from Heidelberg (Life Symposium, how he met Jesus through Encounter 2015 and Vision Camp and deepened the relationship, but also overcame some difficulties through Hebrews 12:11 and meets Jesus daily in early prayer and wants to live as a witness)
H*annah-G from Duesseldorf (about J*ohannes 4. She prays that her young faith will be as ripe as a mustard seed.)
M*aria-Y from Duesseldorf (Life Symposium. She testified to God's guidance in her life and would like to have a study orientation after a ½ year abroad)
M S*hin-R from Frankfurt (about Bible reading project)

Conclusion: K*nut-R summarized the content of the conference very powerfully and encouraged us to live according to the teaching. Just like in Peter's time, we as diaspora (scattered people) suffer from a pandemic at this time. But we are called to be the royal priesthood of this time, to testify to how the merciful God has called us out of darkness into his wonderful light. God may raise up young royal priesthoods and Bible teachers for this time.