(THE 17TH UBF KOREAN FORUM-11/6-VIDEO) “The Prayers God Hears.”

  • by UBF HQ
  • Nov 06, 2021
  • 1191 reads

Thank God for blessing the 17th Korean Forum greatly with his spirit of prayers and his words! P. Caleb Kim, M. Deborah Yang, and P. Moses Yoon delivered the graceful and wonderful works of God's hearing prayers. Around 170 mission coworkers joined with prayers and had fellowship together. Please watch the videos below. 

Dear UBF Mission Coworkers,

We will have the 17th Korean Online Forum on Saturday, November 6th, 2021. The topic will be The Prayers God Hears. In Acts 6, the apostles served God’s kingdom ministry only through “prayer and the ministry of the word,” not being distracted from others. Our campus evangelism and discipleship ministry depend on the power of God’s Living Words and God hearing our prayers. To serve the fall semester, we will share God’s wisdom about how to learn prayers God hears in our campus ministry. Please join the Forum to share God’s wisdom for campus evangelism.  

Date: Saturday, November 6th, 2021.
Time: 9am (EDT New York, USA), 8am (CDT Chicago, USA), 2pm (CEST Berlin, Germany), 10pm (KST Korea), 9pm (Singapore) 
Target Attendees: Korean Missionaries and Leaders 
Panelists: P. Caleb Kim (JongRo I, Korea), M. Deborah Yang (Rwanda, Africa), P. Moses Yoon (General Director)
Moderator: Dr. Moses Noh (USA)

* 17 한국어 포럼: “하나님이 들으시는 기도

날짜: 2021 116 (토요일)
시간오전9 (뉴욕), 오전 8 (시카고), 오후2 (독일), 오후10 (한국)
발표자 갈렙 목자 (한국), 드보라 선교사 (르완다), 모세 선교사 (세계대표)                                                        

진행자: 모세 선교사 (미국)   

17 포럼 주제는 하나님이 들으시는 기도입니다. 사도행전 6장에는 사도들이 다른 무엇보다 기도하는 것과 말씀에 전무함으로 복음역사를 힘있게 섬겼습니다. 캠퍼스 구원역사는 말씀 선포와 하나님께서 들으시는 기도에 달려있습니다. 이번 포럼을 통해 어떻게 하나님께서 들으시는 기도를 것인가에 대한  하나님의 지혜를 나누고자 합니다. 포럼에 선교동역자님들을 초청합니다.  

Presented via Zoom: The Zoom invitation will be sent out to registered emails prior to the meeting. If you want to join the 17th Korean Online Forum, please register on the HQ Website today (https://ubf.org/onlineforum/korean).    

* UBF Online Forum Committee
   Chair: Dr. Ezra Cho (ezra5978@gmail.com)

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