(EUROPE) Bible Reading Project with Young Generation (YG)

  • by UBF HQ
  • Feb 01, 2022
  • 484 reads


By J*ean Kim and L*ydia Kim

This is the report on Bible Reading from 2021 until January 2022 in Europe UBF. 
The purpose was to meet Jesus and have a personal faith in Jesus; follow Jesus; dedicate to house church ministry; support CBF, JBF, Encounter, ESBC, etc. and set a long-term strategy. In order to fulfill the goal, we pray to build a spiritual network through daily bread and prayer meeting, group Bible studies, and book seminars. We also plan to start NIV Bible reading as well.   

There is also another Bible Reading which will be organized by chapters and house churches, for example, one house church in Germany had four times Bible reading in a year. 

If you want to contact for Participation, please reach out to M. H*aejin Kim (France) or M. D*aniel Park (Duesseldorf) with Katalk ID danielpark730

An online Bible reading seminar was held in Korean on September 25, 2021. It was led by M. Jean Kim in Aix-Marseille UBF in France. He started Bible reading with his son a few years ago and later he invited other second gens. The group Bible reading encouraged them to keep reading the Bible on a regular basis and growing their faith in the depth of God’s words. During the seminar, 5-second gens shared their experiences of the group Bible reading. You can watch their testimonial videos below in Korean. We will have an English-speaking seminar on the same topic next year in January 2022. 

<Videos are presented by the Korean language>