(2021 FOUNDERS DAY REPORT) God Blessed the 2021 Founders Day Celebration via In-Person and Online on October 1, 2021

  • by UBF HQ
  • Oct 13, 2021
  • 511 reads

Report by Dr. Paul Koh (Chicago)


Matthew 28:19, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations.”

Praise God for his abundant blessing upon the 2021 Founders Day Celebration. The theme was “Make disciples of all nations.” This is Jesus' supreme command. Disciple-making is the heart of God and the way to fulfill God’s plan for world salvation work. The theme was well chosen and appropriate to the general direction of UBF worldwide. 

<Special song by Korea UBF>

P. Moses Yoon delivered a keynote speech powerfully both in content and delivery. Many young and old people were moved by his message and decided to raise one disciple at a time as Jesus did.

5 speakers shared all excellent and heart-moving testimonies. E*sther Kim delivered a testimony with the title, “God’s mercy and patience for the worst of sinners” on 1 Timothy 1:15-16. Her testimony was honest, appealing to many young people. She confessed herself as the worst of sinners, but she was transformed by God’s long patience and mercy. She wanted to leave UBF several times but now she accepted UBF people as her own family and be a great blessing to UBF community. We find the greatness of her husband behind her transformation. Praise God.

P*adiet Deng was converted from the family of Muslim and Christian influence into a shepherd of Sudan. Later he was appointed as a director of Sudan UBF. His radical change was the work of God’s word and fruit of A*ndrew Kim’s sacrificial missionary life.

J*osue Gutierrez delivered a powerful testimony in excellent English. He was sent out to Panama from Venezuela as a missionary. Despite no growing ministry, he has maintained his life of faith together with his wife and children for the last 10 years. 

<Special Song by H*appy Maria (Germany)>

M*aria Peace delivered a testimony with the title, “Present sufferings, glory to be revealed” on Romans 8:18. It is amazing that she gave up all her securities, an easy-going and comfortable life in America, and went to Kiev together with her husband and children, not knowing where they were going. Her father rebuked her, “Maria, all Ukraine people want to come to America, but you want to leave America? You are stupid!” In Ukraine, she suffered unbearably. It is also amazing that those 6 family members slept on a double bed to overcome the bitter cold in minus 30 degrees Celsius. They heat the propane gas to warm up although it was dangerous and they waked up every morning only by God’s mercy. While listening to her testimony, many people cried. Her testimony reveals that M. John and Maria are real missionaries from America. Despite many hardships, they have established a fruitful disciple-making ministry in Podil UBF. Praise God for her victory! We pray that many American shepherds may go out as American missionaries to preach the gospel to all nations, following the footstep of J*ohn & M*aria Peace. 

J*ohn Baik delivered a testimony with the title, “The God of the living” on Mark 12:27. In the time of failure of on-campus outreach to invite students to the Bible studies, one word was penetrated into his heart. God is the God of the living, not the God of the dead. On that day, God blessed him to meet 5 students who wanted to study the Bible. One of them was W*illiam Larsen who will be the director of LA UBF from 2023. God gradually blessed his ministry to be fruitful up to raising 300 one to one’s, 90 Sunday attendants, and establishing 19 house churches through this one family. His fruitful ministry could be summarized with 3 things: making Genesis Bible study materials, absolute testimony writing and sharing, and engaging in one to one and discipleship. In short, his ministry reflects on the early stage of UBF ministry and its spirit and faith which can be a textbook of UBF ministry. Hopefully, many UBF leaders may benchmark his ministry. 

Finally, Dr. Lee’s video was presented with his opening message delivered at the 99 MSU International Conference. Some people missed him after listening to his message, revealing his passion for Christ and love for missionaries. Two special songs were moving. The program ended with P. Ron’s prayer topics. He prayed that everyone may take care of one sheep on campus, raising him as a disciple of Jesus. 

In conclusion, we thank God that so many servants of God worked hard for the preparation of the FD, including the committee members’ united prayers, Korean and Spanish translations of Elijah Park, Luke Moon, and John Seo, and most of all, video production through Joshua Min’s total devotion. David Kim contacted continental directors several times for invitations. In the time of the pandemic, God changed this into his opportunity to make the UBF world into one. According to Youtube and Faith Book platforms, 2,600 people could attend. We praise and thank God for the great works of God all over the world. May all his praises, honor, and glory be rendered to God! Amen!