(AUSTRALIA-INTRODUCTION TO UBF CHAPTERS) 2021 Canberra UBF Ministry Thanksgiving & Prayer Topics

  • by UBF HQ
  • Oct 05, 2021
  • 784 reads

*Chapter Director: M. Joshua & Hannah Lee 
*Canberra UBF was founded in 1991

<Drama presented by Canberra UBF during 2021 Conference: "Conversion of Apostle Paul">

<Group Bible Study @ Zoom 2021>

<Outdoor BBQ by Philip>

Young leaders and next generation’s Thanksgiving Topics

  • Thank God for Philip's baptism and shepherd ordination in 2021. He has been with us for 6 years studying the Bible faithfully with M. Joshua or in groub Bible studies. He also delivers the Sunday worship messages faithfully once a month since last year. 
  • Paakofi A and B Austen for their faithful and sincere Bible Study for the last two years
  • David & Hannah L. Jr's prayer supports and for their new jobs in a new place by God's grace

Ministry Prayer Topics

  • Sunday worship service messages by M. Joshua and Philip
  • Young leaders’ spiritual growth through Bible study, Daily Bread, and message training so that they may build up a deep intimate relationship with God a sense of mission
  • M. Joshua Lee as an Oceania coordinator from 2021to 2024 to have faith, vision, and wisdom of God
  • May God grant wisdom and vision upon M. Hannah Lee as an Oceania representative to UBF Gap Year Program Task Force team
  • M. David & Hannah L. Jr may continue to support the ministry with prayer 
  • Protection our members from COVID19

Philip’s Thanksgiving and Prayer Topics

  • Thank God for protecting me from COVID19
  • To walk with God during the pandemic and to study the Bible more deeply and build up my relationship with God