(GERMANY) Bonn City UBF Has the 1st Anniversary Sunday Worship Service on September 19, 2021

  • by UBF HQ
  • Oct 04, 2021
  • 683 reads

1st Anniversary Worship-Service Bonn-City UBF


"’But what about you?’ he asked. ‘Who do you say I am?’ Peter answered, ‘The Christ of God.’“ (Luke 9:20)

We thank God for richly blessing our 1st anniversary worship service last Sunday 9/19/2021. Through the message of Luke 9:18-27, we were encouraged to please Jesus by confessing Him as our personal Christ and Savior from our hearts. Because of His undeserved and one-sided grace, we could make a new decision to reciprocate His great love toward us and resolutely follow Jesus by denying ourselves and bearing our cross of campus mission.

We are very grateful to the Lord for the heartfelt prayer support of all our dear co-workers from Kwanak-3 and Daehakro chapter. At the beginning of our thanksgiving celebration, through the three refreshing greeting messages from Sh. Dr. John Jun, Sh. Joseph Lee and Sh. Daniel Byun, we gained confidence that God will richly bless our common prayer and heartfelt cooperation for world mission and God will bring forth many fruits of life through it.

A highlight of the anniversary celebration was Sh. Alexander Ripken's testimony on Eph 2:1-10, in which he thanked God for His mighty work in his life, especially that God saved him through faith in Jesus and created him a new creature, an ambassador of the Kingdom of God, according to 1 Cor 15:22. He sincerely repented of his double life of having worldly fellowship with his work colleagues, and decided, according to his new spiritual identity, to live as a blessing to others in the workplace as well. He thanked God from the bottom of his heart for the many prayers for him and M.Monica and that God has established their house church this year. He prays to always submit himself and M.Monica to the Lord, to hold God's promise of Genesis 12:2 in his heart, and to make his family totally available for spreading the Gospel among young people and students.

Sh. Xenofon Grigoriadis in his report summarized the work and sovereign guidance of God as He created our new fellowship, Bonn-City UBF, in the past year in the midst of crisis time based on Isaiah 43:18,19. God has blessed our desire for a spiritual community where Jesus is the center. Through our weekly group Bible study, we have been able to deepen our love and trust relationship with Jesus and also our relationship with each other. God has answered our prayers together in many ways, especially giving us His living Word each week through our three preachers. In addition, he has entrusted us with a beautiful new community center in the city of Bonn, very close to the main building of Bonn University. God has also worked mightily in the workers of the next generation, giving them new joy and confidence in Jesus through His Word and through fellowship. We thanked God from the bottom of our hearts for His guidance so far and got confidence that He will also use our Bonn City community as a blessing for the students in Bonn in the upcoming winter semester.

We are very grateful to the Lord that we could celebrate our anniversary service together with the house church of M. Peter Lee from UBF Aschaffenburg, as well as with his parents, M. David and M. Ruth Lee. M.Peter Lee briefly introduced himself and his house church to us and shared the prayer topics of UBF Aschaffenburg. M.David Lee shared his memories of previous meetings with some of our coworkers and was amazed about their spiritual growth as well as the spiritual vessel that God has raised up through Bonn-City UBF. Through his prayer, he blessed our thanksgiving celebration and fellowship.

We thank God for richly blessing this 1st anniversary service in His wonderful grace. Through song contributions, recitation of poems, praise and joyful games, both the older co-workers and the co-workers of the next generation each heartily participated and contributed to this joyful thanksgiving celebration and gave all glory to God. Thanks be to Jesus!

In the love of Christ, Sh. J*oachim Dietzel