(AUSTRALIA-INTRODUCTION TO UBF CHAPTERS) Melbourne UBF Ministry Prayer & Thanksgiving Topics

  • by UBF HQ
  • Sep 13, 2021
  • 1082 reads

*Melbourne UBF is founded in 1987
*Director: M. J*oseph & D*eborah Yang

<Wonderful men of faith>

<Beautiful women of faith>

<At the wedding of Nice & Rudra - Photo with M. E*sther Sim>                   

<At the wedding of Nick & Rudra - Photo with church brothers and sisters>

(written by N*ick Livingstone) 

Thanksgiving Topics
1. Thanks to God for unifying my wife & I in marriage.
2. Thanks to God for establishing the 1st House Church in Melbourne with my wife and I.
3. Thanks to God for sending our first sheep (Rith) to care for and help grow up in Christ. 

Prayer Topics
1. For God to continue to help grow our house church in ministry.
2. For God to help the second-generation disciples grow to become able Bible teachers and shepherds of God's lost sheep.
3. For my wife and I to remain joyfully unified in Christ for the sake of God's glory.

<Nick's life testimony at the 2021 world mission report>

Melbourne UBF Next Generation Prayer Topics
(Written by J*oseph Yang, Director)

1. Deep Genesis Bible studies and testimonies
2. Six fellowship group leaders (A*nna Sim, D*ebbie Sim, S*arah Yang, F*ei Mo, F*elicity Wang, N*ick Livingstone) grow as mature spiritual leaders
3. Next-Generation prayer meetings every Tuesday
4. Next-generation members grow as able Bible teachers & compassionate shepherds through outreaching and teaching the word of God