(PANAMA) Panama UBF Had the Dedication of their New Bible Center on August 15, 2021 (English/Spanish)

  • by UBF HQ
  • Aug 30, 2021
  • 562 reads

UBF PANAMA                                                                                                                        

Dedication of New Bible Center of Panama UBF

*You can download Spanish version below

Ecclesiastes 3:11: “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”

On Aug. 15th Panama UBF had the dedication of their new Bible Center with the title: “God Has Made Everything Beautiful in Its Time” based on Ecclesiastes 3:1-15. M. Josué showed how God has made everything beautiful in its time and how there is a time for everything to be done. We had a time to be born and we will have a time to die, we have had time to plant and there will be a time to uproot. We had a time to serve our SWS in missionaries’ apartment during the last 10 years and now we have a time to have our own Bible Center. There had been a time to weep and mourn for our sins and for the sad moments of the life, but we have now the time to laugh, rejoice and dance for the work that God is doing among us!

Due to the Pandemic, Panama UBF have had SWS online since March 2020 due to the lockdown and latter restrictions. Although this was very sad because we couldn’t meet in person and worship together, God turned this into a blessing, increasing SWS attendants from 10 to an average of 18 (some Sundays we surpass 20 attendants!), several of them from abroad: Venezuela, Costa Rica, Peru and US. But we all yearn for in-person fellowship.

From July 2020 we were praying and looking tirelessly for the appropriate rented place in order to set our new Bible Center, but seemed nearly impossible considering our budget and our needs. Panama is an expensive country and the University of Panama is in the heart of the city, so all of the commercial real estate nearby were beyond our budget. However, God heard our prayers and on Jul. 15th, 2021, one year later, we received the keys for a God-given place in Bella Vista, 1.4 km (0.9 mi.) from our campus of University of Panama. It is an ample office (59 sq.m., 635 sq ft.), larger than we could dreamed of! With plenty of space for parking and very close to the subway station (600m, 0.4mi.) and bus stations.

During the Dedication Service, M. Josué welcomed to online attendants with a video showing the location and the interior of our new Bible Center. Watch video below. 

M. John Baek (Venezuela, formerly Panama Director) served the World Mission Prayer Topics. M. Timoteo Han (Sao Paulo, Brazil) sang a beautiful Special Hymn. Watch the video below. 

We also received congratulatory messages and prayers from Dr. Joseph and Maria Ahn (Chicago), M. John Seo and his family (Chicago) and P. Alonso Ascoy (Argentina). Watch the video below. 

M. Esteban Cho, Latin America Director, gave the final words and prayed for our new Bible Center.

We had about 40 attendants in total, roughly 20 online and 20 in person.

We thank to all the coworkers around Latin America who attended on-line and rejoice with all of our members who attended in person. I felt our Dedication was a real heavenly party!

We will continue to serve online for several members who couldn’t attend otherwise. If you want to join us sometime you may click https://meet.google.com/pfn-sguv-yds, any Sunday at 10:30 am (GMT-5).

We thank God and all of you for your love and prayers,  

Prayer Topics:             

  1. Panama becomes into a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation.
  2. To raise Abraham and Sara of faith.
  3. M. Josué be filled by the Holy Spirit to prepare and deliver the Sunday Messages in Ecclesiastes.
  4. God uses our new Bible Center as a house of prayer for Panama and the World Mission.
  5. To reach 15 bible studies and 20 attendants to SWS every week.
  6. Dario, Karen and Sharon may be good coworkers for the Work of God.
  7. Aramis y Sandra may be faithful to their discipleship training and be raised as disciples this year.

Reported by M. J*osué Gutierrez

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