(GERMAN-UPDATE) "Kids and Teens" Virtual Summer Bible Conference was Held on August 11-14, 2021

  • by UBF HQ
  • Sep 15, 2021
  • 635 reads


S*hin Ok Rohrmoser

Thank God for blessing the virtual children's conference held from August 11 to 14, 2021

The preparation team created a program for parents and children to learn about Abraham's entire life over four lessons. Genesis chapters 12 to 22 was a lot for children to digest in a short time but we learned that God raised Abraham as a man of faith throughout his entire life in spite of Abraham‘s faults and weakness so that God’s faithfulness and omnipotence could be revealed. For this work, God sent 7 second-generation missionaries and 2 local student shepherds as Bible teachers and established 4 messengers. 39 children between the ages of 6 and 12 were gathered for the retreat.

First, the Bible teachers gathered to study the Bible under the guidance of messengers for five sessions and discussed teaching methods. Also, we prayed earnestly that the Bible teachers would receive the Word first through the bible study and deliver the living faith as mentors to young children. After that, the Bible teachers had 4 lessons of Bible study with the children before the retreat. During the retreat, there were messages, projects, and testimony writings with themes such as “Blessing and Prayer”.  We also encouraged children to read Abraham’s life several times and understand it prior to the retreat by providing Bible reading planners, quizzes, and prizes.

The program was set up so that children could meditate on Abraham's life and his God by preparing a play for each Bible chapter at each center. For children aged 6 to 9, we made a crafting lab book and attached pictures and crafting materials related to Abraham to explain what they learned in class. It also provided time for all children aged 6-12 years to read, meditate, and express what they have learned about God. Thank you for God's work of the Word among the children. Thank you for the word of power that works regardless of online retreats or pandemics.

The first lecture (Genesis 12-14), taught us that God made Abraham a source of blessing for all people. We also learned that God himself is our true blessing. We learned to trust in God and give thanks to Him in all circumstances. A truly blessed life is to share what we have with others.

In the second lecture (Genesis 15-17), we learned that Abram should be called Abraham. We learned about the God of Abraham and Abraham’s faith. For example, God became a shield and protection to Abraham who was in despair. God credited his faith as righteousness, faith that trusts in God in any circumstances. We learned about a God who always bears our weakness and is a God of the covenant. 

Through the third lecture (Genesis 18-19), we learned that God is our friend. For example, Abraham served the strangers as their friends, and it was to serve God as well.  God also becomes our friend as Jesus does, and he shares all his plans with us and hears our opinions and prayers.

In the fourth message (Genesis 21-22), we learned about the obedience that comes from faith

The Almighty God abled Sarah to give birth and faithfully fulfills his promises. The love of God tested Abraham's faith, but did not put his son to death, but caused his only begotten Son, Jesus, to die on the cross.

We thank God for receiving our five loaves and two fish and abundantly doing the work of the Lord among the children. On the last day, there was a testimonial presentation, and the children learned that God himself is our blessing, and they were grateful to know that all good things come from God.

There is a work of God among kids who want to trust and believe in a God. God always keeps His promises for them. We also thanked God that we are able to bring everything to Him and talk with Him like a friend!  We are blessed by God when God is with us. There was work of repentance for comparison among the children. Most importantly, we understood that Jesus was the greatest blessing. We are deciding to live as a source of blessing for our friends.

Prayer Project

The prayer project was created based on Genesis 15 and 18. We prayed that the children may learn about the prayer of Abraham who prayed to God in the midst of his challenges and fears.

Prayer is a shield. It is abiding in the presence of God who rewards. We can turn to God with all our difficulties. Prayer is to come to the God who created the numerous stars having him set our hope and vision on him and his mighty power. We prayed that the children would learn this prayer at their level. Thank you for taking the time to learn this prayer and pray together with children big and small. Above all, the video of 6-year-olds praying for themselves and praying specifically for their friends was impressive. I was reassured that they were already at the age at which they could pray as perfect children of God. I pray that they will continue to pray and grow as servants of prayer.

Also in the prayer forum, a child announced that there is power in prayer. When he prayed every night to overcome his fear, he read Psalm 23: 1-4, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not lack… . Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for the staff of the LORD comforts me, and the word has given me peace”. He also said that through the intercession of many people his fear disappeared and his heart was filled with happiness. Even though his situation has not changed, his heart that was full of fear was filled with joy and hope. At that time, he realized that happiness had nothing to do with reality, and he said that he experienced the power of prayer.

Thank you for the wonderful works that God has already started in the hearts of children through the work of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for helping us see that God is looking for people who want to believe and obey God's Word, regardless of their circumstances, and He is raising them as a source of blessing in this age.

The Sacrifices of Second Generation Missionaries and Student Leader

We thank God for the young second-generation missionaries and student shepherds who are serving in prayer and teaching the Word.

In the busy life of preparing for many exams, they sacrificially devoted a lot of time to prepare for the 4-day retreat by attending group Bible studies 5 times and studying the Bible 4 times with children. We pray that God may raise many faithful young workers and God's blessing will flow through them in this age and the next generation.

Digital Generation 

The program was conducted online, and the children sat in front of the monitor without hesitation. Even 6-year-olds were able to turn the microphone on and off skillfully and participate in quiz shows and games using the app. In the class, projects were made into beautiful videos, and 11 and 12-year-olds filmed and uploaded their own plays. Because of the pandemic, we are in a digital era. We were amazed at the ability of children to adapt, and we could see within them the fearless potential of living in the digital age.

However, we also saw the children praying that next year they could hold a children's retreat in person. We pray that God will end this pandemic situation and grant them this prayer. We thank God for using the online retreat over the past two years so that the children can have spiritual fellowship, create friendships and look forward to meeting each other in the future.

Since the retreat was virtual, it was only made possible in collaboration with parents, messengers, Bible teachers, and children. Thank you for your voluntary participation and continued partnership!