(GUATEMALA) Guatemala City and Antigua City held a joint Easter Conference on April 2-4, 2021

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jun 09, 2021
  • 340 reads


Praise God for the Virtual Easter Conference held in Guatemala from April 2 - April 4!

The title is "Feed My Sheep", in order to remember the call evangelize and feed sheep in spite of the pandemic.  Messengers included Bro. R*enato Garcia: “Jesus, the Living Water” (John 4:26) and Bro. Raúl Muñoz: “It is finished” (John 19:30) second day. We remembered that it is necessary to drink the living water of Jesus to quench our human thirst, and Jesus already did everything on the cross to restore us from the power of sin. We had a reflection on the daily bread served by M. Sara and P. Silvia, then on Saturday afternoon, we shared testimony. Sunday's message about the resurrection "Do you love me more than these?" was shared by M. Marcos Nam. We learned that God is with us, he is taking care of us from Covid-19 and we are blissful because even though we are undeserving, he called us to feed his sheep! 

*Please read the full report that is attached and be encouraged! (Word) (PDF)


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