(2021 SUMMER VISION CAMP-UPDATE 8/22) Vision Camp Weekly Updates

  • by UBF HQ
  • Aug 12, 2021
  • 1675 reads

<Vision Camper Global Choir 2021 - All the People Said Amen - Matt Maher>


Thank God for the 'God's Mission for Africa', 'Leadership in Kings' series. 'Four Gospels: Comparative Study'. Latin session "what is my role in the ministry?"

Pray for the first sessions of 'I am not in Charge' and 'So, you want to get married?' this week with 40 registered. 

Next week, 'NASA and the World Bank' session. There is still time to register at https://visioncampubf.org/registration for all who are interested. 

Vision Camp Team


We have nearly 160 people registered for the session(s) thus far. 11 students joined for four gospels of Jesus class.

All Spanish speakers are invited to attend the final session of ¿Cuál es mi papel en el ministerio? ("What is my role in the ministry?") on August 20. Register in https://visioncampubf.org/registration or send an email to visioncamp2020@gmail.com


Joke of the week: Who was the shortest prophet in the Bible?

Greetings Vision Camp Friends,
Welcome to the jam-packed month of August! So many topics, so many sessions for you to participate in. Thank God for blessing sessions last week including The Purpose Driven Life and 1:1 Bible Study Basics. Check out the screenshots below.
Here is a list of what is being offered in August:
- Leadership in Kings
- Comparative Study of the Four Gospels
- TCK: Third Culture Kids
- The Meaning of Marriage
- So, You want to Get Married?
- Surprised by Scripture: Intro to Exegesis
- Early Missionaries and Martyrs in Korea
- God's Mission for Africa
- NASA and the World Bank: Serving God with Careers
- 'I am not in Charge'
- Keys to Understanding Revelations

- ¿Cuál es mi papel en el ministerio? ¿Como saber que don espiritual me ha dado Dios?

If you would like to learn more about these sessions or sign up, please visit https://visioncampubf.org/registration. We look forward to growing in faith and fellowship together. God bless you all.
Vision Camp Team
Joke of the week answer: Knee-high-miah


Joke of the week: A priest and a pastor are standing by the side of the road holding a sign that says, "The end is near, turn back before its too late!" An angry driver passes by and yells, "You guys are crazy!" and speeds past them. Soon after, they hear the sound of screeching tires followed by a big splash! (joke continued at the bottom)

Greetings Vision Camp friends,
Can you believe July is almost over already? As we approach this last weekend in July, it may feel like the summer (or winter in the southern hemisphere) is soon coming to an end. But Vision Camp is just heating up! This weekend TCK: Third Culture KidsLiving IT, and Understanding Revelations are all kicking off. We're continuing The Purpose Driven Life and 1 to 1 Bible Study Basics
August brings even more interesting topics. To register, go to https://visioncampubf.org/registration. If you have any questions or feedback, do not hesitate to reach out and let us know your thoughts.
Looking forward to seeing many of you soon. God bless.
Vision Camp Team
Joke continued: The priest turns to the pastor and asks, "Do you think we should change our sign so that it reads 'Turn around. Bridge out!' instead?"


Joke of the week: Who is the greatest babysitter in the Bible? (answer at the bottom)

Greeting Vision Camp Friends,
We hope you had a good week and are enjoying the summer. This week please pray for the continuation of The Purpose Driven Life and 1:1 Basics
Now is a good time to remind everyone that we have a number of amazing topics coming up at the end of this month and into August. Please visit https://visioncampubf.org/registration to check out the upcoming topics. 
If you've never spent time trying to understand the book of Revelations, now is a great time to do so and ask your questions about what it all means. If you want to learn about missionary history in Korea or in Africa, we've also got you covered. If you have questions about marriage, there are TWO separate sessions you can sign up for. If you want to explore a deeper understanding of God and how he works in your life, there are amazing offerings about His glory and His leading. If you want to learn how to REALLY read and critically examine and interpret the Bible, you could choose a session on the four gospels or a session on exegesis, i.e. interpretation of Scripture. 
We hope you'll join us for amazing opportunities to grow in faith and fellowship! Don't miss these opportunities to engage and grow. God bless everyone and let us know if you need anything.
Vision Camp Team
Joke of the week answer: David - he rocked Goliath to a very deep sleep!


Joke of the week: what do you do if you need help building a boat? (answer at the bottom)

Hello everyone,
We hope you had a wonderful week. Well, this week we have some really interesting topics for you to consider. Choose from How to be an IT professional (IT전문가 되기) (Korean) or 1:1 Bible Study Basics or The Purpose Driven Life. It's not too late to sign-up. Go to https://visioncampubf.org/registration or email us if registration is already closed. 
Thank God for blessing last week's sessions: How to find God's Direction for my Career: Principles and Examples and God and Money

We have added another session of God's Direction for my Career in September given the overall interest. So sign-up if you missed the previous sessions. Below is a screenshot from the God and Money session.
It's not too early to be thinking about August! Whether you're interested in Revelations, or Exegesis (how to interpret God's word), or a Comparative study of the Gospels. There's something for everyone including topics on marriage, missions, and careers. Check them out at https://visioncampubf.org/registration
Thanks again to the nearly 150 participants who have signed up already. Continue to invite your friends and church members. We look forward to seeing all of you this week and throughout the summer! God bless.
Vision Camp Team
Joke of the week answer: Call me. I No-ah guy!


Joke of the week: who was the best chef in the Bible? (answer at the bottom)
Greetings friends,
Can you believe July is already here?
We had a busy week of sessions last Saturday. Thank God for blessing our first Vision Camp session en español. Spots are still available for future sessions of ¿Cuál es mi papel en el ministerio? ¿Como saber que don espiritual me ha dado Dios? 
This week we are wrapping up the final offering of How to find God’s Direction for my Career: Principles and Examples. It's not too late to register if you missed the first two opportunities to attend. Please register at https://visioncampubf.org/registration or email us directly if you would like to participate. Also, we are talking this week about a popular topic: MONEY! Please pray for the God and Money session tomorrow. Though registration has closed, if you are really keen on attending, please let us know and we'll see if we can accommodate. 
Please pray for the rest of this month which will be busy with lots of sessions going on. Whether it's discussions on being an IT professional to understanding the book of Revelations, there are a number of sessions to choose from in July. 
We still have lots of room for more participants. To date, 140 people have registered for this year's Vision Camp. Let's pray to stay connected and find faith, fellowship, and fun through our Vision Camp sessions.
May God bless all of you.
Vision Camp Team
Joke of the week answer: Haba-kkuk.


Dear Vision Camp friends,

Blessed Friday to all of you! We now have nearly 130 participants registered for Vision Camp this summer. We're very glad to welcome everyone and we still have room for more even though slots are filling up quickly. So if you haven't already done so, please sign up at https://visioncampubf.org/registration.

This week we have the first meeting of ¿Cuál es mi papel en el ministerio? ¿Como saber que don espiritual me ha dado Dios? en español. There is still time if you want to sign up and join!

To round out this week's update, we thought we would leave you with some jokes to share with your Christian friends or at worship service on Sunday. Hope you enjoy them, and look forward to seeing many of you in the coming weeks during one of our sessions! God bless.
Joke #1: What do meat-lovers and Noah have in common? (scroll down for the answer)
Joke #2: Who is the best musician in the Bible? (scroll down for the answer)
Joke #3: What kind of man was Boaz before he got married? (scroll down for the answer)
Vision Camp Team
Joke answers:
Joke #1: They all love Ham!
Joke #2: Samson, he brings the house down!
Joke #3: He was Ruth-less!


Dear friends,

Hope you had a blessed week. For many, school vacations have begun or will begin soon. Start off your summer break the right way by joining us for Vision Camp 2021!
This week we have two sessions being offered: How to find God’s Direction for my Career: Principles and Examples and Freedom from Porn and Masturbation.
Note that the How to find God’s Direction for my Career sessions are being offered three separate times: June 19 @ 0800 EST; June 26 @ 1100 EST; and July 3 @ 1400 EST. So it's not too late to sign up even though we have had nearly 40 of you sign up for this topic already. If you are interested in this session or any other sessions, go to https://visioncampubf.org/registration and check out all of this year's listings.
Thanks to the 115 participants who have already registered for this year's Vision Camp. We still have room for more. We are excited for continuing to connect in faith, fellowship, and fun this summer. May God bless all of you around the world.
Vision Camp Team


Dear friends,
Hope you had a blessed week. For many, school vacations have begun or will begin soon. Start off your summer break the right way by joining us for Vision Camp 2021!
This week we have two sessions being offered: How to find God’s Direction for my Career: Principles and Examples and  Freedom from Porn and Masturbation.
Note that the How to find God’s Direction for my Career sessions are being offered three separate times: June 19 @ 0800 EST; June 26 @ 1100 EST; and July 3 @ 1400 EST. So it's not too late to sign up even though we have had nearly 40 of you sign up for this topic already. If you are interested in this session or any other sessions, go to https://visioncampubf.org/registration and check out all of this year's listings.
Thanks to the 115 participants who have already registered for this year's Vision Camp. We still have room for more. We are excited for continuing to connect in faith, fellowship, and fun this summer. May God bless all of you around the world.
Vision Camp Team
Dear Vision Camp Friends,

Building on the success of last year's virtual Vision Camp and in response to your feedback, I am pleased to announce virtual Vision Camp 2021 with registration opening on Monday, May 10 at 10am EST / 3pm CET / 10pm Korea. For those who participated last year, while the format hasn't changed, we are excited to announce a host of new sessions from Interpreting the Bible; to 1:1 Bible study basics; to new professional and missions panels. We also hope to offer more diverse topics in Korean and Spanish. For those who are new, you will be able to choose from a range of topics that interest you and engage in deep, honest conversations with fellow participants around the world. Sessions will begin the first Saturday in June and run through September.
I recognize it's a bummer that we can't meet together for Vision Camp in person. And some might be feeling a little tired of online gatherings and virtual meetings. There are times where I can't help feeling the same. But I am reminded of Hebrews 10:24-25 which says,  "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Many of you noted in your feedback that last year's virtual sessions were a blessing and great encouragement to you. We're glad and excited again to provide a platform for us to meet and encourage one another as we pursue faith, fellowship, and fun together. It's not only important but it's essential that we make an effort to meet (even virtually!) to spur one another on to grow in love and action. 
Please visit us at visioncampubf.org/registration two weeks from now to view the full breadth of sessions we will offer this summer, and we will keep you updated as we continue to add new sessions. To that end, if you would like to provide ideas for additional sessions, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate it. 
I hope you will join us this year for Vision Camp and open your heart to opportunities God has for you to develop and mature your personal faith. I am very grateful for everyone's participation, prayer, and support. Vision Camp is not possible without you. Nearly 300 of you participated in Vision Camp last year. Let's pray to build on the foundation of God's blessing on last year's camp, and I look forward to catching up with those I know and meeting others for the first time. May God continually bless each of you.
M. A*braham Lee (Vision Camp Coordinator)