(2021 WMR/UPDATE-5/31) UBF 60th Anniversary Online World Mission Report on May 30, 2021

  • by UBF HQ
  • May 31, 2021
  • 5245 reads



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- (Update 5/28): Download Programs (3 Regions) of MISSIONARIES & LEADERS CONFERENCE: Go to Download Each Region Program
- (Update 5/28): Download all message manuscripts of the three regions of MISSIONARIES & LEADERS CONFERENCE, please click here: DOWNLOAD ALL MESSAGES (English/Spanish/Korean)
- (Update 5/25): Please see FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS & ANSWERS about Missionaries & National Leaders Conference, click here: See the Q & A
- (Update 5/25): World Misson Report Final Main Program Poster: (Program Poster)
- (Update 5/18): P. Moses Yoon's Message Questions-Acts 28:11-31 (English: DOCX / PDF) (Spanish: DOCX / PDF) (Korean: DOCX / PDF)
- (Update 4/20): Spanish Video is added to 2021 UBF World Mission Report Promotional Video (English) (Spanish) (Korean)
- (Update 4/13): Overview of World Mission Report and Missionaries & National Leaders' Conference (English)
- (Update 4/13): A testimony sharer of Europe for the World Mission Report (5/30) is added: A*nnika Fabian (Germany) - See all 7 testimony speakers below
- (Update 4/10): Promotional Videos of Missionaries & National Leaders' Conf. (English) (Korean): See the videos below as well
- (Update 4/1): Attached files: 60th Anniversary WMR & Missionaries and National Leaders Conference Speakers and Prayer Topics (English) (Korean)
- (Update 3/26): Attached files: We need music videos for Missionary Conference. (English) (Korean)
- (Update 3/26): Need choir of 60 missionary couples (House churches). See more detailed information below and download MP3 and Music notes. (MP3) (PDF music note)
- (Update 3/26): Need Participant's Photo ID for the Missionary Entrance Ceremony of the World Mission Report. See more details below. 
- (Update 3/26): World Mission Report Life Testimony Speaker Lists below
- Attached Files: WMR Posters (English) (Korean)
- Missionaries and National Leaders Conference Program (English) (Korean)
- Attached Files: Missionaries and National Leaders Conference Registration Guidelines with the registration deadline (English) (Korean)
- Attached Files: Invitation letters (English) (Korean)

<2021 WMR Final Program - Download the Program>


- 5/30 -



* Title: Paul in His Rented House (Act 28:30,31)
* Date: Sunday, May 30th, 2021, 2:00 pm (Time in Korea) 
* Please pray for P. Moses Yoon's message, life testimonies, other programs, and volunteers

<WMR Main Session Overview on 5/30>

I - Before the main session (20 min)

  1. Korean traditional mask dance
    1) Symbolization of the faith and devotion of our UBF founders
    2) Two seniors hand Bibles and candles out to young people and little children. A child sings a gospel song by pansori, a Korean traditional music style. This act symbolizes the legacy of faith passed down to the next generation.  

 II - Main session (2 hours)

  1. Virtual introduction of missionaries (1450 missionaries from 336 UBF chapters around the world) (5 min)
  2. Words of Congratulations by the president of KWMA and CCC, dean of Wheaton College in the USA (10min)
  3. Representative prayer and passage reading (5min)
  4. Special Music solo (5min)
  5. UBF General Director P. Moses Yoon’s message, “Paul in His Rented House" (Acts 28:30,31) (30min)
  6. United chorus by 60 house churches around the world
  7. Life testimonies by 6 representatives of each continent (50 min)  
    - Orchestra Special Music (5min)
  8. Offering and Offering Prayer (5min) – Offering for missionaries who need financial support due to pandemic
  9. Announcements by Korea UBF national director, Moses Kim

<World Mission Report 7 Life Testimony Speakers>

  • C*S: S*arah Zhanyl (KR)
  • Asia: M*ark Hui (T)
  • Oceania: N*ick Livingston (Australia)
  • Latin America: J*osé Ortega (Argentina)
  • Africa: Joshua F*uchingo Juma (Kenya)
  • North America: C*hristian Misurac (USA)
  • Europe: A*nnika Fabian (Germany)

<Need Participant's Photo ID for the Missionary Entrance Ceremony of World Mission Report >

Please send your ID pictures (the highest quality possible) with your name, chapter, country, and continent. This applies to all UBF missionaries including all adult 2nd gens. (Your pictures can later be used to update the current missionary database.)

Please send your picture with the email title: “Picture for the WMR Missionary Entrance Ceremony.” (In case of security is a concern, do not send your pictures.)

Due: April 15, 2021
Send to: giduon@hanmail.net (Gideon Suh)
CC to: admin@ubf.org (Kyoung-ok Lee)

<Need Choir of 60 Missionary Couples (House Churches)>

We plan to make a choir video by collecting choir video clips of 60 missionary couples around the world. If you would like to participate, you can sing a chorus based on the attached music note and recorded chorus (Please see these attached files below). (You may choose from among the soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. If the part is too difficult, you may choose soprano.) With enough practice, you may sing the chorus using your ear-phone while recording. (The reason you have to use your ear-phone is that only your voice should be recorded. A couple may use the same earphone for one ear each.) You don’t have to sing very well but be careful to keep to the measure and pace with the recorded chorus. The recording of your video files should be of your face or the upper half of your body.

Due: April 15, 2021
Send to: josualim@hanmail.net (Joshua Lim)


- 5/28,29 -

<2021 Missionaries and National Leaders Conference Application Guide (by April 15)>

The 2021 UBF Missionaries and National Leaders Conference will be held in three regions(on-line) due to the time difference (Europe, Africa, Middle East, CIS/ Asia, Oceania/ North & South America). We will receive applications by April 15th and organize Bible Study groups for each region.

You can sign up for participation by accessing this link. You have to sign up to participate in GBS. So please remember to do so by April 15th. When the process has been completed, we will send you a zoom address to participate in the entire meeting and GBS through the e-mail and kakao talk ID you use.

Please copy and forward the above link to the missionaries who cannot receive the mail. If you have any questions regarding your application, please contact Shs. Lee, Kyoung-ok at admin@ubf.org.

We are looking for music video files (special song or instrumental performance) that we play for the 2021 Missionaries & National Leader's Conference. If you have recommendations, please send the music video files to us. (You can either send ones that you have already used for your own conferences or take a new video.) The videos you send us will certainly enrich the conference. We appreciate your participation.

Due: April 20, 2021
Send to: josualim@hanmail.net
Music Director: Joshua Lim

*Person in charge: Moses Noh (Sejong, Korea)

  • Opening message: "I eagerly expect and hope" (Philippians 1)
  • Lecture 1: "Have the same mindset as Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2)
  • Lecture 2: "I want to know Christ" (Philippians 3)
  • Closing Message: "Rejoice in the Lord always" (Philippians 4)


  1. For all our missionaries to have one desire of knowing Christ and press on toward the goal through the book of Philippians
  2. For the speakers to share graceful messages and testimonies (the first draft by April 4th and the final video by April 15th. Later, translations and subtitles by regions. Coworking between Korea HQ and World Mission HQ in Chicago)
  3. For the registration of all missionaries by April 15thOnline registration link: https://forms.gle/a4ktaENt834pRED28


2021 세계선교보고대회

<메인 섹션 / 유투브> 

- 5월 30일 -

* 제목: Paul in his rented house (Act 28:30-31)
* 날짜: 2021, 5월 30일, 2:00 pm (Time in Korea) 
* 세계대표 윤모세 선교사 메인 메시지 및 인생 소감, 프로그램과 자원봉사자 모집을 위한 기도요청
* 인생소감 강사
(1) C*S:
S*arah Zhanyl (KR)
(2) Asia: M*ark Hui (T)
(3) Latin America: J*osé Ortega (Argentina)
(4) Africa: J*oshua Fuchingo Juma (Kenya)
(5) North America: C*hristian Misurac (Chicago, USA)
(6) Europe: A*nnika Fabian (Germany)

* 세계선교대회때 참석하시는 선교사님 사진이 온라인 입장식을 위해 필요합니다. 밑에 첨부 파일에 이에대한 자세한 정보가 있습니다. 
* 전세계 선교사님가정가운데 온라인 합창에 동참하실 60 가정이 필요합니다. 아래 이에 대한 자세한 설명 첨부파일이 있읍니다. 더불어 이에대한 뮤직 파일과 악보도 첨부되어 있습니다. 

<선교사 수양회 / 줌> 

- 5월 28,29 -

<선교사 수양회 최종 프로그램은 각 3개 권역별 상황에 따라 바뀔수 있습니다.>

* 선교사 수양회동안에 상영될 뮤직 비디오 필요: 아래 첨부 파일에 자세한 내용있습니다. 

* 한국어 정보: 한국 UBF 본부 웹사이트 --> http://www.ubf.kr/

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