(INDONESIA) Karawaci and BSD Chapters had a Joint Sunday Worship Service

  • by UBF HQ
  • Dec 16, 2020
  • 438 reads
By Dr. W*illiamKim
The Karawaci Chapter had a joint Sunday worship service with the BSD Chapter. I'd like to share the thanksgiving and prayer topics below.
Thanksgiving Topics:
- Dr. Joshua and I have delivered the Sunday worship service messages for the last 5 years  
- Y*esolKim (Dr. Joshua's first daughter) was admitted to Seoul National University 
- Our leaders: Bella and Timothy in Karawaci and Yulia in BSD who teaches Asnat 
Prayer Topics:
-M. G*raceKim's left arm and leg may completely recover as soon as possible 
-M. M*arie may be in good health after 5 years of surgery, and her school workload may be reduced
-W*illiamKim Jr. may enter a military academy in Indonesia