(VISION CAMP) We Need You! - Join the First-Ever Global Vision Camp Virtual Choir

  • by UBF HQ
  • Nov 24, 2020
  • 1035 reads

*Who can participate?: Vision campers and none-vision campers (Any young people who want to participate in the virtual choir)
*Due date: December 4, 2020

We are organizing the first-ever global Vision Camp Virtual Choir! (If you want to see what one of these looks like, just go to YouTube and search "Christian Virtual Choir") 

Though we can't be together in person, we thought this would be an amazing way for this year's participants to "get together" and celebrate not just Vision Camp but the fact that we are this amazing global community of believers. Vision Camp has afforded us the opportunity to connect creatively in faith, fellowship, and fun! To make this a success, we need YOUR participation! We want EVERYONE including mentors and session leaders to participate whether you're a good singer or not. We hope to get an enormous turnout to make this a truly global experience! 

The process should take 10-15 minutes max. of your time to record and submit. Recordings are due 2 weeks from today. To help our video editor, don't wait until the last minute and get your submissions in soonest! Easy-to-follow recording and submission instructions are below. We look forward to seeing and hearing you sing! As always, keep calm, pray, wear your mask, and wash your hands!

Vision Camp Virtual Choir Instructions

1.    Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7FQztFOJQE to listen to Matt Maher’s “All the People Said Amen”. Familiarize yourself with the song and its lyrics.

2.    Plug in your headphones and get ready to record. (If you are recording on your phone, please record horizontally and not vertically.)

3.    Make sure your headphones are plugged in so you can begin recording while singing along to the video. When you’re ready, use your computer or phone camera to record yourself singing the song.

4.    Once you are finished, save your video and rename your file as “name_country.” For example, “JoeLee_Prague.” And upload it to https://1drv.ms/u/s!AroelcfUkUpMaraKXpA3OzP4VKY?e=wxtFW8 or https://www.dropbox.com/request/VRrJ2xlqbRpB6ldpWooE

5.    We encourage you to sing loud and proud even if you are not a great singer. Feel free to express yourself and be passionate about the song and its lyrics. Amen!

*** All recordings are due to the OneDrive by December 4, 2020. Thanks for participating! If you have questions, please email us at visioncamp2020@gmail.com.
