(RUSSIA) Moscow UBF Had 30th Anniversary Summer Bible Conference from 8/27-30, 2020

  • by UBF HQ
  • Sep 03, 2020
  • 753 reads

by A*lexeyBelykh

30th Anniversary Summer Bible Conference 

A 2nd gen P*aulChoi delivered a powerful and spirited message on John 15, "Remain in me." O*lgaBelch and M*aryjaZaharova gave “The 30th-anniversary mission report". Sandra (BS, Argentina) many shared life testimonies with tears. On Sunday I deliver a message based on Acts 1:8. May the power of the Holy Spirit come to be a witness of Jesus to the ends of the earth. I learned that we can join different groups to serve together and learn new things about each other. I think God is showing us a new way to serve the Gospel during the pandemic.