(Sri-Lanka) God Established the First House Church in Kotte Ministry

  • by UBF HQ
  • Aug 26, 2020
  • 553 reads

God blessed the first Kotte UBF house church ceremony with 91 people including 17 Kotte UBF members and 9 people from Colombo UBF.  M. Luke officiated the wedding with Genesis 12:2, "You will be a blessing.” The bride's parents were so sad in tears because they could not make it to the wedding due to Covid-19, but sent video congratulations. KangRung UBF in Korea congratulated the wedding by presenting a special song video. May God bless Kotte and Colombo UBF to pioneer all 18 Sri Lankan campuses by establishing 12 more spiritual leaders and 12 families. Thank you for all your prayer support.