(HQ UBF PRESS) English Daily Bread Survey

  • by UBF HQ
  • Aug 11, 2020
  • 610 reads


(10-Minute Survey)

The English Daily Bread team wants to hear from you, the Daily Bread readership. We've put together a simple 10-minute survey. Whether you have ideas about content or format or the writing mechanics or you just like it as it is, we'd love to know that from your survey responses. Your feedback and ideas will shape the future Daily Bread and how it is delivered to you. And if you've ever wondered how you could bless brothers and sisters all over the world with God's word and hope from your desk, consider volunteering for Daily Bread. People (both in and not in UBF) on six continents use the English Daily Bread. Provide your contact information in the survey. 

- The English Daily Bread Team -