• by UBF HQ
  • Jul 14, 2020
  • 1044 reads

 HQ Online Courses: Fall 2020 registration is open (Register by August 10, 2020)

The UBF HQ Online Program is intended to support and equip UBF leaders, including chapter directors and local UBF ministries. This concise program is biblical, practical, and relevant to UBF ministry. This fall (Course period: Aug. 17 – Nov 27, 2020), we are offering two courses. See the course descriptions provided.

Bible Doctrine I:

Christian leaders/Bible teachers are responsible for understanding Christian faith in relation to biblical foundations and for expressing their faith in today’s context. This course is designed to provide gospel workers with a sound understanding of Biblical faith based on biblical and evangelical theology. As we engage in our study, we do so to love and worship God, not to satisfy our curiosity. Our goal is to use the study of Bible doctrine to advance the kingdom of God in our lives and ministries.

Bible Doctrine courses engage us in what the Bible teaches about the major themes of Christian faith. This course addresses the following themes: (1) The Word of God, (2) the Trinity, (3) the Attributes of God, (4) the Works of God, (5) the Image of God, (6) the Fall, (7) the Covenant of God. Each theme will be covered in depth, both in biblical/theological aspects and in practical applications. Course instructor: Dr. Augustine Suh

Caring for God’s People (Counseling 1):

Soul care for God’s people, including our own selves, is an indispensable part of discipleship. God’s grace in Christ is sufficient to provide all resources, as we have been called to care for His children. However, we often struggle with some challenging life issues, such as conflicts between spouses and coworkers, anger management, burn-outs, poor marital relationships, unclear boundaries that can cause unnecessary conflicts, just to name a few. This course is designed to provide a venue through which we can address some of the challenging issues in life and ministry and find God’s wisdom to care for His people through the grace of Jesus. We will cover topics such as (1) Anger Management, (2) Conflict Resolution, (3) Self-care, (4) Building Healthy Boundaries, (5) Marital Enrichment, (6) Emotional Intelligence for Spiritual Leaders, (7) Listening skills (Not necessarily in this order and not limited to these). Through the introductory course of Caring for God’s People, participants will discover and develop effective pastoral care skills and tools. We hope and pray that we may grow in the depth and breadth of God’s grace in Christ Jesus as he equips us to take care of God’s precious children. Course instructor: Pastor David Baik (MA, MPS, LMFT)

-Each course work includes reading books/lecture notes, taking quizzes, interacting online with other students and instructors through the discussion forum and online meetings, and writing short essays. All courses will be offered through the online platform on Blackboard.com.

-Each class has a maximum capacity of 15 students.

-Those who are interested, please contact us at ubfonlineschool@gmail.com (HQ Online Education Committee, the coordinators: Dr. Augustine Suh & Pastor Kevin Albright) by August 10, 2020. For further information, see the HQ Online School section on ubf.org.

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