(Russia) God Turned the Crisis into the Best Opportunity! News of a New Pioneering Ministry in Salaryevo

  • by UBF HQ
  • May 20, 2020
  • 809 reads

By BarnabasKim

Soon after starting a new pioneering work of Salaryevo UBF from February in 2020, our whole family including 4 children has been isolated due to the lockdown order from March. We felt helpless like Noah’s family in the ark for a year in the Bible. But God turned the crisis into the best opportunity. We began to have a daily bread prayer meeting at 6 a.m. and recited a few verses before breakfast. God also blessed us to read the whole Bible in one month. It was so wonderful to experience it and we decided to read the whole Bible once again in one month.

<My family>

<Sunday Worship Service with my children>

Although my self-supporting business is in crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic, I will try to resume it holding on Isaiah 43:19 (God does new things!) M. Lydia, my wife, has been enjoying a sabbatical rest after long years of hard work.

Our prayer topics; 

1. I may prepare Genesis messages as a priest of my family.

2. God may send students from the Higher_School_of_Economics and the Moscow_Tchaikovsky_Conservatory and raise disciples of Jesus. 

3. 2nd gens may grow as spiritual shepherds and be able to teach one student through one-on-one bible studies. 

4. God may bless my self-supporting business