(Zambia) M. Cyril Returned to the USA and Boaz Took over the Leadership of Zambia UBF

  • by UBF HQ
  • May 18, 2020
  • 1406 reads


By BoasChisha

Zambia UBF was pioneered in 1995 by M. NehemiahKim and he and his whole family returned back to Korea in 2017. However, God sent M. CyrilBoyd from the USA to take over the ministry with 4 years contract by this June relating to his job. But The USA government asked him to withdraw back to his country because of the COVID-19 situation. Now I am serving the ministry on behalf of him.

Recently, we use Zoom for Sunday Worship Service with 15 members and Group Bible Study with around 14 students every Saturday at pm.

 Our prayer topics are:

1. Boas may grow as a spiritual leader like Moses and help many students meet Jesus personally

2. May God give me wisdom, visiondirection to remain strong in faith to serve the Zambian ministry

3. To raise 12 disciples, through 2 weekly one to one Bible Studies.