(Covid-19 Update-6/10/2020) M. John & GracePark in New Jersey Have been Recovering from Coronavirus infection

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jun 10, 2020
  • 1222 reads


We are Diagnosed as COVID 19 Negative!

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalms 23:1-4.

Thank you for your prayer and love for us. Today, Missionary Grace and I are diagnosed as COVID 19 negative. Many prayers from our family, UBF mission coworkers, and our friends from the whole world enabled us to overcome the fear of Coronavirus and to have new life. For the last 3 months, while we had walked through the darkest valley of death, the fear of death had attached us. However, through the prayers from our family, UBF mission coworkers, and our friends, we have been deeply comforted and we overcame the fear of death and coronavirus. Now we ask your prayer for America to open her economy and all business activities may go back to normal. Due to the lockdown of the economy in the USA, especially in NY, NJ for over 3 months, so many people have lost their jobs and have walked through the darkest fear of death. While many people are walking through the darkest valley of death, may the Lord be with all people who are suffering and recover the economy step by step. May God use America as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. May God raise up 100,000 missionaries and bible teachers by 2041.

In Christ
John & G_racePark from NJ


By GracePark - I still have a hard time breathing, but I pray that I can rest completely. I don't feel appetite with coronavirus. I have diarrhea and diabetes, but I am getting better every day. I passed through the valley of death to the green pasture through the prayers of all our coworkers around the world. Please keep praying for us. We praise God's grace deeply.


By JohnPark - Thank God for the prayers of UBF communities worldwide for Msn. GracePark and me. After being discharged from the hospital last Sunday, Msn. Grace needs to be self-quarantined for three more weeks to be carefully monitored. So far, she is getting better daily in her breathing, however, she shows the several symptoms of coronavirus such as the loss of appetite, diarrhea, shortness of breath, and diabetes. I thank God for saving her from the valley of the shadow of death and leading her to lie down in green pastures (Psalm 23) Please pray for her to be recovered fully from Coronavirus. 

The picture below was taken when she was discharged from the hospital. She looks always beautiful to me. 

By GracePark - Lord rescued me from the valley of death! Dr. said this morning, I was about the intubated and put on Ventilator when I came to the hospital!
They tried anything else without intubation. From the next day, I responded dramatically to all their treatments improving everyday unbelievably.
They confess I am the most successful case so far since CODIV broke.

It is the finger of God who is Almighty and Merciful! He heard all the coworkers prayer from all over the world!
Dr. plans to send me home today if I have no specific signs! 

God may recover my lungs completely, so I can serve the Lord and WM evangelical ministry even more than before!

Thank you for your prayer!

(6:00 PM – 5/1/2020) 
By GracePark - Praise the Lord! I like to share the good news! Even though I still have a short of breath, Dr. Says she can hear my lung sounds on both sides and I am the fastest progress patient on the floor! I believe all the coworkers pray for me! Today, they wean down oxygen 6 liters to 2 liters and follow up! They plan to discharge me on May 3rd, the target date. May the risen Jesus, Almighty God raise her asap. Thank you for all of your powerful, persistent prayers! M. JohnPark also got a positive result but has fought the good fight and well restoring. Pray for his full restoration.

(9:15 PM – 4/29/2020)
Dr. PaulKoh reports: “Please pray for M. GracePark to improve breathing and for the inflammation of her lungs to go down. She has fluid in her lungs and shortness of breath. M. JohnPark has tested positive and will be in quarantine for three weeks. Both of them are alone. It is heartbreaking.”

(6:00 PM – 4/28/2020)
Dr. SarahWon reports: “M. GracePark sounds pretty sick right now. They gave her strong medications to calm the inflammation in her body but she is tenuous now. It is hard to say which way she will go. She may get worse before she gets better. Pray that her breathing gets better soon and she doesn’t need to get put on the respirator. But if she does get incubated many do get better, but needs time. Needs prayer support.”

(12:00 PM – 4/28/2020)
Thank God for his great mercy upon us and his willingness to answer our prayers. According to Dr. PaulKoh, M. GracePark of New Jersey has improved a lot since last night. She has been moved out of intensive care into a regular care unit. The critical moment may have passed for her. I really thank God for your heartfelt prayers for her. Please continue to pray for her and her family.

(7:00 AM – 4/28/2020)
M. GracePark was admitted to the hospital this morning with corona pneumonia. According to her physician, her mortality rate is high. Please pray for the healing hand of our Great Physician Jesus Christ to touch her and heal her and make her well. May God be glorified through this.