(Covid-19/ECUADOR/Updated on 5/12/2020) Pray for God's Mighty Hands on SaraLuisa & Her Family to be Fully Recovered from Coronavirus

  • by UBF HQ
  • May 12, 2020
  • 529 reads

Luisa got the Covid-19 positive result the second time. She has a sore throat and some symptoms this week. She prays that her parents and family who are in the process of healing may not be affected again. She keeps sharing her daily bread testimonies with Latin national leaders in spite of her sufferings. Pray for her to be a source of blessing for her family so that they may believe in Jesus and be saved. She may be healed soon by God's grace!

Luisa is like a spiritual ancestor, Sarah in the Bible in Ecuador UBF. She is working at the hospital where severe Coronavirus patients have increased day by day and there is not much proper medical equipment to protect medical workers from the viruses. She, her parents, and her sister-in-law were infected. By the grace of God, they have been gradually recovering. She thanks God that this pandemic gave her the opportunity to bring a family union. Most importantly, her family’s hearts have turned to God, crying out for His help. She hoped that God may bring salvation to her family members in this way. She also has learned the pain of others and how to console them. She prays that this time may pass soon, and she may return to the university to sow hope in the kingdom of God by sharing the gospel more vigorously. 

Ecuador UBF prayer topics:

1. Sara and her family’s full recovery
2. God's protection on Sara at the hospital
3. The pandemic may be calm down so that we may have a conference in June
4. Latin Northern region conference in Colombia (8/6-9) may be held so that our members may join
