KENYA UBF Prayer Topics during Covid-19 Challenge (English/Korean)

  • by WMD
  • Mar 30, 2020
  • 836 reads

“You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For, “In just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay.” And, “But my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back.” But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved." (Heb. 10:36-39)

1. COVID-19 Situation in Kenya
By 28th of March, 31 patients confirmed, and 1 cured, 1 death. A curfew is declared between 7:00pm-5:00am till further notice. Most firms and offices are working from home.

2. Leadership Succession
On 30th of Oct. 2019, during our 30th Anniversary conference, we decided that Shp. JumaFuchingo, Shp. KevinNamudeche, and Shp. NicksonOtieno should lead each year from 2020 to 2022 in turn. At the annual general meeting held in February 2020, three leaders picked their lot through much prayer, and God appointed Shp. Kevin to lead the ministry in 2020, Shp. Juma for the year 2021, and Shp. Otieno for the year 2022 as interim-director. Afterward, we prayed God may appoint one of them to succeed the ministry officially. We are also praying that others may pioneer their own ministry in God’s time.

3. House Church Ministry
Shp. Faith and Kennedy celebrated their engagement at the 30th anniversary conference in Oct. 2019.They planned to have their wedding celebration by the end of 2019. However, due to the funeral service of Faith’s grandfather (she lost parents in her early age, and was brought up by her grandfather), and the marriage of Shp. Kennedy’s brother, it was postponed to March 28th, 2020.

<Engagement Ceremony in October 2019>

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the government suspended all church gatherings and weddings. We proposed them to have a wedding ceremony through on-line if they will. However, they decided to wait on God’s best time for both families and for bringing good influence to our church members. Please pray for God to grant them the best wedding celebration overcoming COVID-19 attack.

4. Ministry of God’s Word
Since March 22nd, we are doing 1:1 Bible study, worship service through online. Shep. Juma, Kevin, Otieno and Msn. Joshua, Jeremiah and I prepare the video sermon by Saturday, and upload it on Youtube. On Sunday, from 10 AM, all members follow the worship program and watch video sermons at their own homes.

5. Prayer Topics
1) For God to protect Africa, Kenya and all our sheep and missionaries from Corona pandemic
2) For all our members to grow in their personal faith through faithful Daily Bread devotion, on-line Bible study and worship service
3) For Shp. Faith and Kennedy may keep their relationship pure and holy and in God’s best time, to celebrate their holy matrimony

One word: To persevere doing God’s will!


1. 케냐 코로나19 현황 
 3월 28일기준 31명 확진자, 1명 완치, 1명 사망
 추가확산 방지를 위해 밤7시부터 새벽5시까지 통행금지
 대부분의 정부기관, 기업들 재택근무 중

2. 계승역사 
 2019년 10월 30주년 기념 수양회에서 2020-22년까지 3명의 핵심 리더 (JumaFuching, KevinNamudech, NicksonOtieno)가 각 1년씩 역사를 전담하여 섬기기로 하였습니다.
 2020년 2월초 정기총회 모임에서 3명이 제비뽑기를 시행, 2020년에 Kevin Namudeche목자, 2021년에 Juma Fuchingo목자, 2022년에 Nickson Otieno목자가 책임 목자로 역사를 섬긴 후 3명 중 1명이 역사를 최종 계승하기로 하였으며, 나머지 2 목자도 하나님의 때에 개척할 수 있도록 기도합니다.

3. 결혼역사
 Faith자매와 Kennedy형제는 2019년 10월 30주년 기념수양회에서 약혼식을하였습니다.
 2019년말에 결혼식을 할 예정이었으나 Faith자매의 할아버지 소천 (어렸을 때 부모를 잃고 할아버지가 키웠음), Kennedy 형의 결혼식이 겹치면서 3월 28일로 연기하였습니다.
 3월 15일부터 코로나19로 인해 정부가 모든 교회와 결혼식 등의 모임을 중단시키면서 두 분이 원하면 온라인 결혼식이라도 추진할 예정이었음. 하지만, 본인들은 하나님의 때에 제대로 된 결혼식을 하기를 원하였습니다.
 코로나 사태를 잘 극복하고, 하나님의 축복가운데 성대한 결혼식을 맞이할 수 있도록기도합니다.

4. 말씀 역사 
 3월 22일부터 말씀공부 및 예배를 온라인으로 하고 있습니다. 쥬마, 케빈, 오티에노 목자와 죠수아, 예레미아, 마가 선교사들이 매 주 돌아가면서 토요일 저녁에 메시지를
동영상으로 녹화, 다음날 10시에 모든 멤버들이 동시에 주일예배 순서에 따라 각자 집에서 예배하고 있습니다.

5. 기도제목 
1) 하나님께서 아프리카와 케냐와 우리 모든 선교사와 양들을 코로나로부터 보호해주시도록
2) 모든 양들이 일용할 양식, 온라인 1:1과 예배를 잘 감당하여 오히려 개인신앙이성장하도록 
3) Faith와 Kennedy목자가 순결을 지키고 주님의 최적의 시간에 가정교회를 온전히이룰 수 있도록