(URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT - CONF. CANCELED & POSTPONED) 2020 Mexico & Honduras Conferences (4/9-12)

  • by UBF HQ
  • Mar 23, 2020
  • 793 reads

The 2020 Mexican Regional Conference (4.9-12 in Mexico) was canceled (by RaulMuñoz, BernabeChoi)

We had a Mexican chapter directors' meeting tonight (3/15) and all 16 attendees agreed to cancel the 2020 Mexican Regional Conference definitely (For we found this Summer or Autumn will neither be available for us). Instead, we will have a chapter by chapter Easter conference, if only the government order on the pandemic situation does not prohibit us during the Easter season.
We thank all foreign delegates who decided to come and support us. However, we are so sorry to announce this for them to cancel their flight reservations. We appreciate the worldwide prayer supports! Please keep praying for Mexico to be a shepherd nation and a missionary-sending country.
May God protect our ministry from COVID 19 and help us to get through this worldwide pandemic crisis. 

The 2020 Central America Conference (CAC) (4/9-12 in Honduras) was postponed (the date TBA) (BY JuanKim, DavidKang)

We have prayed and devoted ourselves to CAC but we are so sad to tell the news to those who wanted to serve the conference wholeheartedly even from far foreign lands.  With COVID-19, today (3/15) our Central America coworkers consulted and decided unanimously to postpone the conference either to August first week or September first week according to later situations (The exact dates TBD and TBA later). 
We are so thankful and so sorry to the honorable missionaries and shepherds who sacrificially decided to come to support Central American mission! Please adjust your flight schedules for the possible August or September CAC. Please keep praying for the Central American shepherds who were yearning for the Word of God and prayed and prepared for this conference. My heart is saddened too. We appreciate your love and continuous prayers.