A Clarifying and Encouraging Mail from Dr. Ulrike G. MD. of Cologne UBF, Germany

  • by UBF HQ
  • Mar 22, 2020
  • 1005 reads

2 Timothy 1:7 "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline."

Dr. Ulrike G. MD. of Cologne UBF, Germany

Since the end of last year, a previously unknown virus from the group of corona viruses has been spreading from China. The spread has reached Germany and has become a pandemic. However, we should know that this did not happen by accident. The world is not controlled by an unpredictable virus, but by a loving God who always has the best in mind for his beloved children. Regardless of how threatening and worrying the external situation looks, we need not be afraid but can have courage and confidence. We know that in all things God works for the good of those who have been called according to his purpose. It is not a question of whether we are infected by the coronavirus or another virus; it's not even about whether we die from a coronavirus infection. Even death cannot separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ. Our future lies in the fact that we are called to the Lamb's wedding feast. For this reason, let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory!

But if it's not about us and our survival, what is it about? We are in an extreme situation that has thrown people into uncertainty and panic. It's about how we can follow Jesus in this environment. It is about doing now what Jesus would have done in our place and what he would have wished us to do. Jesus was never concerned about himself and his survival. He was always there for others and even took care of other people dying on the cross: a serious criminal next to him, his sad mother and his disciple Johannes. Like Jesus, we should serve other people, act courageously in their interest and overcome fear through faith in Jesus. We should comfort and encourage others. We should give up our selfishness and encourage others by example. But how can we practically do this in our everyday life? We can no longer do many of the things we have done so far, much that has been helpful is now counterproductive. We must, therefore, be ready to let go of our habits and change our behavior.

Our society is currently facing special challenges. In an epidemic, an important figure is the basic number of reproduction. This is the number of people who are infected on average by an infected person. If the basic number of reproduction is 1, the number of infected individuals remains always the same. If it is less than 1, the disease dies out. The larger the basic reproductive number, the faster the disease spreads. We don't know much about the coronavirus yet. The number of basic reproduction in Germany is probably around 3. The disease is contagious before a person has symptoms of the disease. Over time, 60% of people here in Germany will probably become infected. In 80% of the cases, the disease runs like a harmless cold. But 20% of cases are severe, probably around 2% fatal. Older people and people with diseases such as diabetes or lung diseases are at higher risk of developing a severe course. We have a very good health system here in Germany, one of the best in the world. But here, too, the capacities and resources are limited.

All of the measures currently being taken are aimed at slowing the spread of the infection so that the health system has an opportunity to cope with the disease. So what can we do personally to serve others in this situation and to honor God? We should do everything we can to slow the spread of the virus. This includes avoiding crowds and keeping a distance from other people. This includes informing ourselves about hygiene measures and implementing them in our everyday life. We can teach our children how to wash their hands properly. In addition, we can e.g. serve older people who are at higher risk by shopping for them. We should refrain from making hamster purchases for ourselves, especially from the materials that e.g. are urgently needed by the hospitals. We don't have to worry about the future. We can buy normal quantities, as usual, helping others to overcome their panic. We should now refrain from seeing a doctor with every little thing. Those who have a cold should stay at home and recover there and we can support them.

We will have fewer opportunities for fellowship. But we can use the time to read more of the Bible and seek deeper fellowship with God in prayer. It can be a time when we get to know Jesus much more deeply. We can also encourage each other through Whatsapp, Kakaotalk, emails, Hangouts (Provided by Google), Skype, sending encouraging movies and music, sharing pictures and Bible verses.

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and self-control. Let us be equipped with this spirit so that we, as Jesus' disciples, can make a difference at this time and help people to meet Jesus personally.

God be with you.
