(COVID-19 Update by 3/31/2020) HQ Guidelines & Covid-19 Related Information (Video)

  • by UBF HQ
  • Mar 23, 2020
  • 1370 reads

(Updated by 3/23/2020) 

Dear UBF co-workers,

"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." (Rom 13:1)

As the Covid-19 pandemic spreads around the globe, HQ wanted to offer some direction and guidance on how to respond when asked by governments to temporarily stop meeting.  

More and more countries are restricting meetings and making laws preventing people from gathering. This is being done in order to contain the spread of the virus and to ensure health care systems are not overwhelmed with patients. It is being done for our good and wellbeing. 

Where this happens, HQ would like to encourage and direct each chapter to honor the law of the country and abide by its direction in accordance with Romans 13:1-4. The laws of the government on Covid-19 are not opposing our faith but are for our protection and the good of the wider community. 

Some UBF chapters have been able to broadcast their message via the internet. Others have met via social media and been able to maintain daily bread, bible study and prayer meetings. HQ hopes that we can find new ways to keep in touch while honoring the laws of each nation. 

Please do continue to pray that this pandemic may pass and that we may continue to offer the hope of Christ.

May the grace and peace be with you.

In Christ,

General Director: Moses Yoon 
Vice General Director: Ron Ward
International Coordinator: Mark Vucekovich


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