God's Grace Overflowed at Santa Cruz's Bible Conference (Feb. 22-25, 2020) (BOLIVIA)

  • by WMD
  • Mar 05, 2020
  • 355 reads

We had a Bible Conference during Bolivia Carnival Feast. The theme of the conference was “Encountering Father God.” A total of 22 people attended the conference (including 15 students). I was a little disappointed because more people participated in the recent Brazil Summer Conference from our chapter. Nevertheless, God’s grace overflowed at our conference. Most of all, every messenger made sincere repentance and decisions of faith. They grew as stewards of our ministry along with the life testimony speakers. Many students came and left in the past years but these young people remained and are growing as faithful disciples of Jesus. This was a great comfort to our missionaries. We are also very thankful because a missionary who had a little coworking issue with us participated and served for the conference wholeheartedly. I repent that I did not give my whole attention to the conference preparation after returning from the Brazil conference. Nevertheless, God has blessed us abundantly through his life-giving words. I pray that I may continue to grow as a disciple-maker and messenger. Thanks for your prayers!
