Staff Education on Biblical Interpretation on Dec. 16, 2019 (KOREA)

  • by WMD
  • Dec 30, 2019
  • 503 reads

After the Korea staff conference (Dec. 9-11), Dr. Ezra C. held the Korean Staff Education meeting on December 16 (Mon) at JongRo HQ hall. Mainly junior staff members, totaling 25 members, attended this meeting from 10am to 6pm on that day. Dr. Ezra Cho dealt with the hermeneutics on Scripture, the rhetorical approach to Scripture, and the biblical interpretation of 1 Thessalonians. Through this meeting, the Korean staff members had a new view of interpreting Paul's epistles, especially 1 Thessalonians, and developed the ability and skill for biblical interpretation on the Scripture as a whole. Through this meeting the Korean and American staff members became well acquainted with one another.