God's Healing Grace from a Lung Cancer for Theresa N. in Gong-neung, Korea (KOREA) (English/Korean)

  • by WMD
  • Dec 16, 2019
  • 539 reads


Theresa was diagnosed to have lung cancer through biopsy. But now she was found with no lung cancer at all. Then she was found to have a 5cm brain polyp that interrupted her normal life. She had 8-hour brain surgery to remove the polyp one month ago. By now she has no side effects and has new joy resting in God with Habakkuk's confession--to rejoice in God alone, not by ministry or sheep or health. Theresa along with S. David N. appreciate all our prayer warrior prayers, saying it was by the prayer support that she came this far. Many who had similar surgery are going through the rehabilitation process at the hospital while she could be freed even to come to worship God!

Here are her thanksgiving topics:
1. Thank you so much for taking my treasure away this year to receive God himself as a better gift, to please God, and to confess it as my strength.
2. Thank you for wrestling with me and changing me from the name of sincerity to the name of faith through lung sarcoma and brain tumors. Thank you for making this God’s gift for our 20th anniversary for your freedom and peace that comes from God alone rather than my righteousness.
3. Thank you for taking all my sins to be righteous in Jesus.
4. Thank you for guiding me through all the processes to have good surgery and to be discharged quickly and being encouraged by the shepherds and missionaries' worldwide love and prayer support.
5. Thank you for my dear husband S David, dear children, Young Chan and Praise, and our dear Gongneung Church.​


감사제목 (테레사)

1. 올해 저의 보물들을 가져가심을 통해 더 좋은 것되신 하나님 자신을 얻게 하시고 하나님을 기뻐하게 하시고 그것이 힘이되는것을 고백하게 하심을  진심으로 감사합니다
2. 폐유육종과 뇌종양을 통해 성실이라는 이름에서 믿음이라는 이름으로 바뀌기까지 씨름해 주신것을 감사합니다 제가 자기성실과 의지로 하나님을 기쁘시게 하고자 했을때 평강을 잃었는데 하나님을 믿는 믿음안에서 하나님을 기쁘시게 할수 있음을 알게 하시고 자유와 평강을 누리도록 병이  20주년 선물이 되게 하심을 감사합니다
3. 예수님 안에서 나같은 죄인이 의인이 된것을 감사합니다
4. 이번에 수술이 잘되고 퇴원하기까지 모든 과정을 섬세하게 인도해 주시고 목자님들과 선교사님들의 전세계적인 사랑과 기도지원으로 격려받게 하심을 감사합니다
5. 사랑하는 남편 다윗목자님과 사랑스런 자녀 영찬이 찬미 그리고 사랑하는 공릉교회를 허락해 주신것을 감사합니다