CME News in Croatia (English/Korean) (CROATIA, EUROPE)

  • by WMD
  • Nov 29, 2019
  • 695 reads


Croatia Continuing Missionary Education (CME) Report


M. Joseph B.

From October 27-30, M. Samuel and Anna Lee visited Croatia from Korea and served CME at M. Joseph and Ezekiel's houses. We studied the Holy Spirit based on 1 John, John 14, and Galatians 5. He also served our children, Rebecca and Samuel with the same topic. We have learned how to communicate with the Holy Spirit and follow the Spirit's guidance. Through the 1 John study, I learned the necessity of having deeper fellowship with God and God's people. Particularly, in a remote mission field, I learned that it is important to love each other fervently, such as spouses, parents and children, and co-workers.

After learning the Holy Spirit, Rebeca confessed in her testimony that she was moved by the Holy Spirit who has answered her prayers guiding and revealing the truth of God in her life. She said that she worried about her future but she could overcome her inner fear by the Holy Spirit who is always with her.

Afterward, we visited the University of Slovenia Ljubljana, where is two hours away from Zagreb and prayed to God to send pioneers in God's time in order to deliver the gospel of Jesus to Slovenia. 


크로아티아 CME 보고 

10월 27-30일까지 이사무엘, 안나 선교사님들의 CME가 있었습니다. 배요셉 선교사 가정, 에스겔 선교사 가정과 함께 요한복음 14장, 갈라디아서 5장에 기초해서 ‘성령론’과 요한일서 성경공부를 했습니다. 그리고 2세들인 배레베카, 배사무엘을 성령님 특강 공부로 섬겨주셨습니다. 우리는 성령님과 교통하며 성령님을 좇아 살아가는 삶을 살아야 한다는 것을 배웠습니다. 요한일서를 통해서 하나님과의 사귐, 성도간의 사귐에 대해 배웠습니다. 특히, 외로운 선교지에서 하나님과의 사귐 속에서 가장 가까운 부부간에, 부모와 자녀간에 뜨겁게 사랑하고, 동역자들과 뜨겁게 사랑해야 한다는 것을 배우게 되었습니다.  배레베카는 성령님말씀 소감을 통해서 자신의 기도를 놀랍게 응답해주시고, 인격적으로 섬세하게 인도해주신 분이 성령님이심을 깨닫게 되었고, 자기와 늘 함께 하심으로 장래에 대한 속두려움을 극복하게 되었다고 고백했습니다. 그 후 자그레브에서 2시간 거리이고 개척을 위해 기도하고 있는 슬로베니아 류블랴나 종합대학을 방문해서 하나님께서 개척자를 보내어 주시고, 복음이 슬로베니아에도 전해 지도록 기도했습니다.

배 요셉 선교사

*Croatia's official name is "the Republic of Croatia". It is located in Central and Southeast Europe and surrounded by countries, Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. 
