Honduras UBF Holds a Fall Bible Conference by God's Grace during Political Turmoils and Demonstrations. (10/2-4, 2019)

  • by WMD
  • Oct 23, 2019
  • 517 reads

By David K.

This year, the university has been still closed several times due to demonstrations against corrupt political leaders. Yet we held a conference by faith with M. David's opening message, Luke 5:10, then Mark 2:14, John 4:13, and Luke 7:17 messages praising God sharing testimonies. With Genesis 12:1,2, we finished praying that we may leave our home of sin and live the life of the source of blessing.

After 16 years of pioneering Honduras, we saw many who came and left. But we learned that we just sow the gospel seed weeping, and God bears fruits in its time accordingly.

2020 Central American Easter Conference will be held in Honduras, 4/9-11 next year. Please pray for lecturers and programs and all preparation.