God Blesses 2019 Korea UBF United Junior Bible Fellowship (JBF) Conference in Jincheon, Korea (8/2-4, 2019)

  • by WMD
  • Sep 09, 2019
  • 892 reads

Report by Moses Kim (Gwangju JBF, Korea)


Judges 6:12, When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” 

Halleluiah! We praise and thank God for richly blessing 2019 Korea Junior Bible Fellowship (JBF) conference with the theme “Mighty Warrior” on Aug 2-4 at Jincheon youth training center, Korea. Total 297 attended from UBF local chapters; Jongro (44), Yonhee (45), Kyounsung (36), Gwanak (38), Joongang (10), Sungdong (14), Baebong (8), Jungreong (6), Gongreong (3), Suhkang (6), Hansung (2), Gwangwoon (2), Anyang (8), Kyoungki (5), Ansan (3), Chunan (1), Asan (2), Youngnam (4), Busan (1), Jinju (4), Gwangju (55) and JBF teachers (97).

*John Oh (Chunan) - Main lecture 1, “Mighty Warrior” (Judges 6:1-32)
*David Suh (Asan) - Main lecture 2, “Samson’s final devotion” (Judges 6:1-32)
*Luke Baik (Baebong) - Main lecture 3, “Hannah, a prayer warrior” (1Sam 1:1-28)
*Surgeon Lee (Jongro) - Special lecture, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world” (Romans 12:2)

Representative testimony speakers;
*Peace Kim (Gwangju, Lecture 1)
*EunTak Choi (Kyoungsung, Lecture 2)
*Deborah Lim (Baebong, High school sophomore, Lecture 3)

Life testimony speakers (8 high school students);
*Yebin Jung (Gwangju), Hansam Suh (Kyoungsung), Juhe Choi (Jongro), Anna In (Gwanak), Esther Park(Gwangju), David Lee(Jongro), Yeji Lee (Gwangju), EneChong Gu (Gwangju)

Representative testimony speakers (11 high school students);
Yebon Lee (Yonheeh), Suyoung Lee (Gwangju), Sehan Han (Jongro), Somang Lee (Gwangju), Paul Moon (Youngnam), Jihyun Park (Gwanak), Yerang Ahn (Gwanak), Enchong Oh (Yonhee), Sua Choi (Gwanak), Sungkyoung Shin (Sungdong), Dahe Park (Gwangju)

We thank God for refreshing our faith and blessing us to hear God’s calling as mighty warriors through the powerful words of God.

Conference highlights;

First, God richly blessed us with the powerful messages and graceful testimonies leading by Elijah Moon (Korea JBF & second gen education director), and Mija Lee served Group Bible Study preparation (Yonhee).

Second, God blessed our praise and worship programs led by Hongmin Lee, kyoungsung UBF brothers, and Shin Hyuk Lee’s (Jongro) with excellent performances to open the hearts of attendees.

Third, through the various activities and programs, God enabled many of attendants to make good friendship during the conference.  

Fourth, God enabled our conference preparation committee to cowork together in unity. The coordinator was Moses Kim (Gwangju) coworking with many other teams such as Prayer: Joan Baik (Baebong), Messenger: Elijah Moon (Jongro), GBS: Mija Lee (Yonhee), Testimony: Moonju Choi (Jongro) & Elizabeth Lee (Kyoungsung), Snack: Myounghee Kim (Yonhee), Fellowship: Dosun Bae (Jongro) & Esther Baik (Jongro) & Humble Kim (Gongreong) & Luke Baik (Baebong) & Seongsik Kim (Gwanak), Treasurer: Joy You (Gwangju), Video: Yechan Moon (Gwangju) & Youngseong (Gwangju), and Usher: HyoungOh Yoon( Gwangwoon).

We much appreciate many servants of God for their prayer & material supports for the conference. We pray that God may continue to bless our next-gens to grow as mighty spiritual warriors to fight a good fight against the darkness of this pervert and adulterous generation. May God raise many missionaries in and among us! 

University Bible Fellowship Headquarter | ubf.org