Prayer Topics of Upcoming Central Asia Summer Bible Conference (8/16-18) and an International House Church

  • by WMD
  • Aug 09, 2019
  • 635 reads

Prayer topics:

1. Pray for the lecturers and the group bible study leaders. 

2. May God send many new students and they may be changed through deep repentant testimony writing. 

3. May God bless the conference to be held safely without government intervention and control.

4. On the last day, Georgiy (Moscow Baumann UBF) and Lilya (Uzbekistan Tashkent Branch) will establish a house church. 

May God use this house church as a source of blessing for CIS and world missionary history.


<Photo: Georgiy (Moscow Baumann UBF) and Lilya (Uzbekistan Tashkent Branch)>