(European Summer Bible Conf. 2019) - Pre-ESBC Vision Camp News (8.1-7, Praha, Czech)

  • by WMD
  • Aug 07, 2019
  • 705 reads

Total 224 attended from 33 nations, (Next-generation 164, messengers 19, GBS leaders 21, staff and parents 20) 


- 7 Next generation main speakers: 1. Abraham Lee (Gen 26: Isaac stayed in Gerar), 2. John M. Lee (Exo 3: The calling of Moses), 3. David Shin (Dan 6:The God of Daniel), 4. Dr. John K Lee (Mt 6, Seek his kingdom), 5. Dr. Joseph Ahn (2 King 2; Double portion of spirit), 6. Toni Demir (Jn 15: I have called you friends). 7. Dr. Samuel Lee (Mt 16: You are the Messiah), Paul Ridge (Acts 16: Come over to Macedonia)

- 9 Special messages: M. Moses Yoon (Ps 1: Dig the well of God’s word), James Kang (Gen 15, Look, count the stars!), Dr. Daniel Lee (Successful college life), David Kim (1:1 ministry), Dr. Moses Noh (The Me I want to be), Reiner Schauwienold (EU Christian history and UBF), Isaac Choi (Parents and member discipleship), Dr. Ezra Cho (Diaspora Mission and UBF next gen ID), UBF history video and Dr. Samuel Lee’s legacy by Dr. Sam A Lee

- World Mission nights: Each night we dedicated it for one continent with 2 Life Testimonies, special chorus, and prayers.

- Baptisms and communion (Dr. Samuel H Lee)

- Special thanks and plaque: to Czech UBF and M. Hannah Shin for hosting 2nd Vision Camp and Praha old city visiting.