2019 Minsk Spring Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Jun 07, 2019
  • 611 reads

We thank God for sh. Peter Schweitzer (from Bonn Germany) who came and served our conference by leading three lectures on English Bible Studies (EBS). The English Bible Studies blessed six of our new sheep: Ira, Olga, Natasha, Sarah, Nasza, and Yana. We will continue to help them grow as disciples through Genesis Bible study.  

Right before the conference, Sarah (Univ. of Belarus, Sophomore) was about to leave for her hometown for the summer break but when she heard about the English Bible study, she immediately canceled her bus ticket to her hometown and participated in the EBS. We pray that God may grow her to be a mother of faith and prayer coworker for Minsk ministry.

Natasha (who works at a bank) was once awarded a silver medal in “2019 the Korean speaking contest” hosted by the Korean Language Institute (KLI). She is a calm and motivated student. We pray that God may help her to grow through faithful Genesis Bible study.  

Ira (a cancer specialist, attending Native church, who from time to time comes to our ministry) has been learning the Korean language at the KLI. God has been using her preciously to bring new students to our ministry from the KLI. We pray that God may grow her as a prayer mother and a good coworker for our ministry.

Olga (Natasha’s younger sister) has been learning Korea at the KLI. We thank God that she not only learns Korean but had a desire to learn more about who Jesus is through the conference.

Nasza (a student of the KLI) is loving and kind.  She has been helping M. Hannah Oh in many ways at the institute (M. Hannah is working as a teacher at the KLI). She also brought her friend Yana with her to the conference.

We deeply thank God for enabling us to financially support ourselves through the teaching job at the Korean Language Institute and for sending us such precious Bible students from the KLI.  

We also thank God for our growing second gens, Lydia Oh and Samuel Oh, who blessed us by co-working with us for the conference. Lydia Oh served the message “Jesus Who Called Zacchaeus” on Luke 19 and Samuel Oh shared his life testimony during the conference based on Luke 19. On Sunday, M. Paul Oh delivered the message “ The Faith of the Woman Who had been Subject to Bleeding for Twelve Years” on Luke 8.

Most of all, we request your prayer support for the six new sheep (Ira, Olga, Natasha, Sarah, Nasza, Yana) that they may grow faithfully through Genesis Bible study with us and attend the upcoming Summer Bible Conference on Aug 22-25 in St. Petersburg.

There will be an evaluation of our Korean Language Institute by the government officials in order to receive an extension of our contract for the upcoming fall semester. Such an evaluation is done every three years before we can get an extension for our contract with them. Please pray that the Korean Language Institute may pass the evaluation well, so that we may continue self-supporting for discipleship ministry through the KLI.

From Minsk Paul Oh