Egypt UBF Easter

  • by WMD
  • May 11, 2019
  • 649 reads

To Know Christ and the Power of His Resurrection

Dr. Oyor Moses: Opening: “If you are pleased with me, teach me your way.” Ex 33:13. S. Ayman: “The Suffering Servant” Is 53. S. Rose, ”To Know Christ and the Power of His Resurrection” Ph 3. Oyor Moses, closing, “Feed my Lambs” Jn 21. Most of Christians in Egypt specially UBF members live in a harsh situation and sense of injustice. This causes despair and hopelessness to them. During the group Bible study and testimonies in the conference, the attendants were filled with joy and hope as the gospel workers through Jesus. He grew up in a hostile environment and harsh situation, yet he did the greatest thing to mankind, willingly giving himself through suffering, death, and resurrection to save us from our sin. We believe that God will do a great thing in our lives though we are living in danger of terrorism and persecution. As a thanksgiving to God, we challenged ourselves that each one of us to bring at least one person to bible studies within one month.

Prayer topics

1. Pray for the study of The Book of Romans.

2. Pray for HBF bible academy on 29th of April, based on Jeremiah 29:11-13 and Daniel 1:3-9

3. Pray for Ayman and Mamdouh to grow as an excellent Bible teacher.

4. Pray for peace in Egypt.

Dr. Oyor Moses