Belize: Sending out 2 missionaries

  • by WMD
  • Apr 15, 2019
  • 499 reads

• M. Sarah and Moses led 6 am DB prayer meetings raising 2 student missionaries (Shinelle to Texas on Jan 17th ; Angelica to Barbados in September). We saw 2 short-term missionaries from D.C; Luke Lim Jr and Mignon Kim Jr. served by them too.

• Could see M. Moses and Sarah’s lives are totally devoted to the ministry; exemplary of a life-giving life

• Luke Lim led GBS (Deut 2-3) for the leaders and delivered the Sunday message (27 attendants, including 6 missionaries).

• Prayers for 30 1:1; health of M. Moses and Sarah;

  - for a new bigger Bible center (one at $250,000; support is urgently needed)

By Dr. Luke Lim (Cornerstone, D.C) who visited Belize 10 days recently)