Belarus update

  • by WMD
  • Apr 08, 2019
  • 598 reads

1. To renew the foundation of faith through the words of Romans and Genesis.

2. The 20th year of King Sejong Hall will be renewed for three years with the National University of Belarus

3. Olga, and sisters will be able to attend the Spring Conference.

4. Margarita is staying in Korea for 10 months as an exchange student in Kangdong University for Korean language study. She may study the word attending KangRung Sunday worship service.

5. Jiuk, Roman family grow as a good co-worker in Minsk history. Now Roman is working at the Sochi Orchestra of Russia,. He may return to Minsk in September.

6. Second gen Lydia Oh, Samuel Oh grow to be Bible teachers of Belarusian students

7. Dr. Oh may well serve Belarus National University of Technology with Hannah Oh to raise Abraham and Sarah.

8. Spring Bible conference on 5/25-26.

Dr. Paul Oh