Caracas UBF Daily Prayer Meeting

  • by WMD
  • Mar 25, 2019
  • 596 reads

Around 70% of the electricity is now in recovery. The worst hit area is western Maracaibo. Hugo of Maracaibo could not return after visiting his sick mother in Caracas. S-Eastern Caracas has not yet recovered due to a substation explosion. Public transportation has totally been stopped so that most of the companies were closed too. The most serious thing is the water deficit. People who do not have water tanks are even looking for water in the mountains and valleys. Our Caracas UBF members went out to Mt. Avila to find some water too.

In this mass up situations, Caracas UBF holds prayer meetings every day with S. Gustavo who is sick, with the words of Jer 33:3 (Call to me, I will answer).

Please pray that our leaders may grow as mighty warriors through this affliction and that God may solve the problem of electricity, and water and food deficit. Pray for the House Church of Wade (Humber, Canada) and Abigail (Caracas) to be established on May 1st even changing Venezuela situation.

Juan Baek