2018 Christmas Worship Service around the World - Sofia 2, BULGARIA

  • by WMD
  • Jan 04, 2019
  • 892 reads

On 16, Dec., we had a Christmas worship service and Msn. John & Maria’s family, Shep. Georgi & Msn. Heather’s family, and Br. Dimitar’s family attended. We started this year with the gospel of Luke and closed the service with Luke 2:12, “This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” We thank God for the work of his words. We learn especially Jesus’ heart and humble mind to one sinner through this gospel. Through the passage, we learned that who could receive God’s grace and his glory. A manager is the way to see God’s glory. Our ministry is small like a manager. We prayed that we might grow as humble servants who could find the secret of the victory in the manger.        

Shep. Georgi & Msn. Heather has served God’s ministry humbly. Also, they felt God’s grace through their three kids and the baby who will be born in June, next year. Our ministry grows like a manager, following God’s words.

May God bless our ministry richly to be a humble manger for the newcomers in the next year. We prayed that God will use us preciously as Bible teachers. For this reason, we chose Mark 6:38, “How many loaves do you have?” He asked. “Go and see.” When they found out, they said, “Five and two fish.” as a key verse for the next year. By obeying this word, we may learn Jesus’ heart and ‘five loaves and two fish’ faith. May God bless Br. Dimitar’s family as well to know Jesus personally through 1:1 Bible study. Amen!