Mainz UBF Members Celebrated their 30th Anniversary (Nov 18, 2018), GERMANY

  • by WMD
  • Nov 30, 2018
  • 1667 reads

Samuel Peter Ryu

On last Sunday, 18 Nov. we held our 30th anniversary worship service. M. Samuel Peter Ryu delivered a message based on Acts 2,17 and Shep. Samuel Ryu gave a report of our pioneering work among the students and next generation in Mainz.

In the second part, M. Petrus Chang (Bonn) gave a lecture about "God's Redemption History on the Map" and also about "Inductive Bible Study" by shep. Peter Ryu (Bonn). Many coworkers from Bonn, Darmstadt, Frankfurt and Wiesbaden came and encouraged our manger ministry.

We pray that we may serve the disciple making ministry through one to one bible study and raise up 12 disciples and pioneer 12 universities in Rhein-Main area. We pray for shep. Samuel & Maria Ryu, so that they grow to be good shepherds and bible teachers for our next generation and young students.  

Thank you for your prayer and loves

Samuel Peter Ryu

Mainz UBF, Germany